Mr702law tries his hand at movie reviews. Let's hope he joins Siskel and Ebert real soon

8  2017-01-09 by I_Hate_Knockers


Hanks for the plug.

Individual follicles.

Any tips for law school?

Tsss.. What is it, up your butt or sumpin?

This sub has some real exhibitionists.

It's too cold to show my peckah in public tonight. :(

we only have room for one man with titties here

shill your 40% bodyfat channel elsewhere

I didn't shill this here. Some weirdo for some reason went into my post history and found it.


You retard. Never post about yourself with the account you use here. Nobody intelligent would come here and allow themselves to be known by these people.

Shut it Gilgore

Only a retard.

Yep. We caught your joke the first time, sweetheart. 😚

Only a dumb person would do it.

Shut up neckbeard.

I picture a lot of guys here as variations of Chris Chan, but you were never one of them. You let me down /u/Mr702law

you're a piece of shit

He looks exactly as he should.

I expected a lawyer to dress better though.

You don't think you could get a lot of business making it clear you're a Trayvon supporter?

I tapped out at 1:51. Doesn't this babbling ass claim to be a big shot lawyer? Aren't lawyers supposed to be good at speaking? All of his clients go to jail.

Trial lawyers are supposed to be good at talking but most lawyers aren't trial lawyers.

I dunno. I only interact with Public Defenders when I get arrested for public masturbation and drug paraphernalia possession every now and then.

They good at talkin?

Most of them are unemployed.

I've posted these here before. This is not a revelation.

It's not a revelation, this is an intervention. Stop doing these until you learn how to be entertaining.

Don't watch. Didn't ask for your input nor did I post it here. So go fuck your self.

It wasn't that bad. At least you put yourself out there unlike most of the worthless fags here.

It's really embarrassing. Please delete them.

Gotta get down to mikes for happy hour

Lea Thompson's daughter gives me a rod.

Movie theater requirements for this queen:


*Reclining Seats

How many more times is a shitty shitty movie with this premise going to be made?