Supplement salesperson, Joe Rogan explains the craft

22  2017-01-08 by Crownenberg


Joe Roganberg

You mean the craft of MMA announcing. And it wasn't even interesting you faggot.

I'm so glad I wasted your time, sweetie :)

Who sells placebos better Joe or Alex Jones?

It is Alex's main source of income since he posts his shows and documentaries online for free, and supposedly he is a millionaire. And it is just Joe's side hustle.


Anybody who thinks that Greg Fitzsimmons is a comedy legend needs to donate their brain to medical science.

I hope they were being sarcastic. What did he do? Get a Comedy Central special a few times?

I think he won an Emmy because Ellen revealed she's a dyke.

What does that have to do with him?

He wrote for her tv show.

His Wiki says he was the head writer for her talk show the first few years and won some Daytime Emmys.

What kind of faggot writes monologues for Ellen in between her dyke dances?

They parody her dancing so well in the Boondocks cartoon when Riley gets national attention for saying "nigga you gay" to a dancing classmate.

Dude he MURDERS on stage, he's been having KILLER SET after KILLER SET for decades! Just like my buddy Joey Diaz!

You don't put a comma behind a descriptor if it's in front of the name.

Is he still pushing sea weed ?

Butter coffee is for closers

Nah, it's PFG, fam!

geometry, math problem, force... I have no doubt Rogan would have a really hard time passing HS physics or math test.

He's 5'4.

This is the same guy who drinks his own piss

REMINDER: Don't click Roid Rogan's links. Always click COMMENTS only.

What's the anti-Rogan site called Rogan Watch?

What's it called now? The Rogan watch videos were pulled.

Is he not selling those fleshlights anymore?

I'm so glad I wasted your time, sweetie :)

I think he won an Emmy because Ellen revealed she's a dyke.