For reals, do you think this inane PC culture will end soon?

20  2017-01-08 by andiswearrrr

Will we return to the days when you don't need a diverse writing staff, people can make rape jokes, and trannies will be seen as the monsters they truly are? Or are we fucked?


No, it's going to get worse. And to make it even more worse. The non-pc culture is breeding pop-culture talking heads. It's like everyone wants to take the funny out of racist/fag jokes..... I miss Patrice.

He's like the male Oprah, Op-BRO! ahahahaha

record scratch

I tried my hardest to forget about that joke. I really did.


Go worship Sam Roberts then you cuck

It's not that I hate patrices words I just think niggers smell bad and commit crimes.....except will smith

The right wing is almost as bad nowadays, going after people's jobs and getting offended when someone talks negatively about "their" politicians.

Source? I'm up for a larf.

Some teacher was telling her students about their white privilege and another person recorded it, everyone was demanding her job. Then that guy who harassed Ivanka Trump on a plane, people tanked his reviews for his book. Oh, and people here getting bro Joe's gigs cancelled. That last one is a little different, but the right is using the tactics of the SJWs now. There's more instances, I'd have to look them up to remember.

eventually everything gets out of hand, but there's a huge difference with what you mentioned. SJW love a good witch-hunt where it doesn't even really matter if something actually occurred it just sounds like it could be true and it "starts a conversation about true experiences." they also love willful ignorance where they interpret something as they wish and completely ignore evidence or explanations that challenge their beliefs that fuel their actions of hate or violence.

whereas you brought up of examples of people doing things that are wrong and they should legitimately be called to task for it because they really are openly and unapologetically shit people.

you're correct that the pendulum always swings the other way though because they're all exhibiting the human trait of always wanting to live in a world that entirely agrees with them.

Yeah, it just bugs me that they started adopting their tactics that they previously condemned. It's only gonna get worse, too.

So? Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. What do you want them to do?

Not act like faggot.

suck my peckuh


There's literally a thousand times more instances of this on the other side. Honestly its a benchmark for them so I don't know why you would bother bringing it up as if were more capable of it. Anyhow, if I learned a teacher was teaching my kid to be a fag I'd want them fired as well. Big whoop.

Leftists go after everyday normal people en masse. They don't have to be around children every day or show up on every news channel as a headline. One of them makes a post on twitter and then they all flock in to call their employer and tell them how racist and insensitive and unlikely they are to use their products in the future because one employee has opinions they share outside of the workplace. If you're going to come up with examples don't forget which side is the biggest violator.

My whole point was that they're using the same faggot tactics, dummy.

And I was just saying you were far off since those examples deserve the consequences. No teacher should bring up white privilege in the classroom or demand students to be physical with someone because they don't approve of someone. It isn't their job. And that fag with the book was going for the exact opposite effect but it didn't work out for him. Any decent person knows to not harass a woman with children right there with her. Leave it to the gays to not behave themselves in public. The bro Joe thing doesn't really work in your favor.

Yeah, but on actual faggots, so it's ok.

I for one love to see them get a taste of their own medicine

When I was in 2nd grade I had a teacher that was bored on the last day before a break so told us all about nuclear war and how we'd all be annihilated, and for those who weren't killed instantly she described what nuclear radiation would do to our bodies. Half the class were crying. Not me, looking back it was pretty funny, but wrong. Some teachers are cunts and abuse their power and should be called out for it as soon as we're done laughing.

That's fucking hilarious

Nah the Joe shit is hilarious and because Ant claimed "This sub has no effect on our lives" as a challenge

I hate to be middle of the road Mike, but only using one ideology is poor for critical thinking. Sometimes the left have a point (Climate change or going after wall street/banks) Sometimes it's the right that brings up fair points (Political correctness and radical Islam)

The PC crowd is annoying but so is the reaction to it online. Also, the word cuck has lost its appeal unless said ironically mocking Bro Joe

I was using it ironically to mock people that use it constantly here. The term annoys so many people that I find it funny. And I agree with the sentiment.

Me too. It is still hilarious when used like that.

Context like "Hey, let's rape that girl complaining about Rick and Morty"?

I see you more as a center lane Cyril, if you catch my drift.

ironically? You don't think he's literally a cuckold?

No, I mean saying it like him and his buddies probably use it to call anything remotely left

Sup Middle of the Road Mike * guitar solo *

I hate the fact that "cuck" got played out so quickly by the worst/lamest people ever. If everyone just scaled it back considerably that word could have had some staying power. It's a pretty fucking great diss word

no, the best you'll get is that they keep their opinions within the domain of territory they've already conquered and discontinue pushing the issue with people that won't listen.

Nope, get used to it spreading more. Nothing anyone can do about it.

That's a defeatist attitude. Man up.

that would stop "progress." A better question is, where or what are we progressing towards?


progress for the sake of progress is the ideology of cancer

Sharia law

inshallah wheres my goat?

Less heterosexual white people?

A solution... to a particular question, a notorious question.

We all hate PC culture but it's gay to talk about hating it now.

i feel it ending now already, feel like people aren't taking it as seriously anymore

it all depends on whether the anti Trump crowd decides they have more important shit to be publicly indignant about

When Islam takes over in 2050, PC along with the rest of the first world will be extinct.

It will never go away now, we're past the point of no return. With the availability and popularity of social media these days everyone has an overinflated sense of ego. They believe that their opinions matter and must be shared with the world. That their voice should be heard. That their lazy acts of "slacktivism" will actually make a difference. That that they will be the ones to make a difference. Basically, we're all fucked.

Peckahs :(

No, because the retards that constantly shriek about pc are the exact fucking same and will do all of the same shit the very second they can, we've seen it before.

I don't even understand how anybody over the age of 25 can babble about this kind of shit with a straight face, does nobody remember the fucking moral majority? And before that the red scare. It's always something. I remember people in my town in the 70's whining about how rock music was on the radio. Prissy faggots are always going to find an excuse to pop a monocle, the approach and content might change but the sentiment is always the same; people want to invent authority if they can get away with it.

It's like that wargames movie; the only winning move is to use your residuals to get a chauffeur.

The fight against it has begun but so far all we got was the autistic as fuck Proud Boys and untermensch tier neo-nazi queer losers. Even the Trumpkins aren't serious about this shit. Normal society needs to get on board, autists alone can't make a change.

I doubt the west can get back its glory.

Yes, it will end soon.

It's like a pendulum, In the late '80s, early '90s, you had the religious right wanting to ban videos games because they were too violent, cartoons like Beavis and Butthead and Ren and Stimpy because they were offensive and ban everything else from Heavy Metal Music to Blue Comedians.

Then the Mid '90s came around, and there was a collective "Shut up, Grandma!" and we ended up with Jerry Springer, Howard Stern/O&A becoming more popular the rise of ECW and the WWF Attitude Era and everything was "EXTREME!!"

Then the pendulum swung back towards that way, and now it's the Social Justice Left who wants to ban everything they find "problematic", and with the Brexit vote and the election of Trump, and more people speaking out on shit, we're on the verge of a collective "Shut up, Fag!" and becoming more reasonable and, ironically, liberal.

Fawk yeah

Are you implying that the pendulum is swinging back the other way?

If it's not swinging back the other way, we're currently at the point where it's the furthest it's going to swing, before it swings back, when you look at all of the losses that Feminists/Social Justice Warriors have accrued the past year:

  • Despite liberal media and PC culture bully tactics, Hilary Clinton didn't become the president.
  • Despite liberal media and PC culture bully tactics, the UK voted to leave the EU
  • Numerous "SJW approved" TV shows were cancelled (Larry Wilmore for example).
  • Gawker went down
  • More universities are coming out against the Safe Space culture that's being fostered on campuses
  • Black Lives Matter's antics are now under more scrutiny, with more people speaking out against them
  • Fewer women than ever are identifying themselves as feminists
  • Despite claims to the contrary, GamerGate are actually winning against the feminists/SJW crowd, and other entertainment media are following suit in not capitulating to them
  • Ghostbusters was an absolute flop, even in the face of the public shaming campaign that went on against people who criticised it, flopped to such a degree that they've all but cancelled any plans for a sequel
  • Amy Schumer's career is in freefall after she drank the kool-aid
  • Various public SJWs have been publicly embarrassed, and lost all credibility
  • The Young Turks, one of the biggest SJW agenda pushers, have lost subscribers and viewers to such a degree, that Alex Jones is now more popular
  • Milo Yiannopoulus has been given $250k to write a book, and when the SJWs tried to bully them into taking it away, they basically said "Nope", and then the book went onto to become a bestseller based on pre-sales alone.
  • The widespread memes on Trigglypuff and Hugh Mungus

The momentum has been slowed way down, so it's starting to change.

Do you have autism?

No, I just get weirdly obsessed with unimportant things and can't leave it alone until I finish it.

So you got autism...?

He sounds like a /pol/ack who found his way here since he missed the Steve (YESSS) reference. He's on the ball.

The only thing that DOES change the battlefield (such as it is), is the INTERNET. It's dramatically affected communication, and the culture that provides "news" has dramatically affected how we receiving information; because it allows for CHOICE of information, over NEED of information. That was not a thing back in the 80's/90's, and its the one thing that could change the way the pendulum swings, or breaking it entirely.

We could be dealing with a very different battlefield with a very different set of results entirely. Which would put ALL of this in a different category altogether. But that remains to be seen so far.

The Trump administration -for better or worse- will reveal more of that...

Thanks for THAT insight SCORCH


Are you suggesting we raise a generation of super kids?

This was a good list to have...just to at least to see it on paper.

I don't know how the tide will turn. I certainly don't want it to go to the alt-right, but the authoritarian left simply CANNOT exist anymore. We already had the Nazi's. Enough already.



It won't end until you actually do something about it. These people are active in centers of societal and cultural power. They have the mass majority of media outlets and politicians on their side. They are wielding political power to their advantage, why would they just die out? It will not end until a good amount of you exercise some political power.

I think at this point we can only stop the bleeding what's been done is here to stay

Nope. Trump has given them a common enemy. It's going to be worse now than it's ever, ever been.

Trump is the "Dr Manhattan at the end of Watchmen" of the left and crybaby liberals; he's a catastrophic event that unifies and motivates them all beyond previous comprehension.

There's more of us than them. Just because SJWs have a big online presence doesn't mean there is any real army of them out there. We can stomp their heads in at any time when it comes down to it. Trump won't put up with their shit for too long and we won't let them recover when he bitch slaps them back to their blogs. The time for playing nice has came and gone because they won't let us.

The post is titled "Do you think this inane PC culture will end soon?" I say it won't, and it's going to get way worse. Obviously we have more power in 'real life' because he got elected. But as far as everything else and most of the pussies that run popular culture? We'll never hear the fucking end of it. Guy isn't even in office yet and looks what's happening.

I feel like after trump won people were like "wow, maybe there is more to america than urban areas in coastal cities, maybe we are out of touch". And then you heard a gun shot and some autistic screeching and now the democrats are shrieking for russian blood and nuclear death because corporate grandma and her cronies cant face the reality they got their shit pushed in by a wwe hall of famer.

I would love for culture to shift to a place were we could just relax and to wasn't so tribalistic, no one took sjw's seriously anymore, people stopped walking on egg shells to please some mentally ill retard with a tumblr account. Unfortunately i think it will take like 10 more consecutive republican presidents before liberals realize they are morons who are shit at everything and poisoned society

its possible that in America you can have a 4 yr delay on the legislative advance of PC & SJW's .. but so many examples already given fail to take into account that hate crime/ hate speech / diversity laws are being passed in droves all around the west ... the culture war is heating up; the PC & SJW's have suffered losses but the laws of the land have been written by the proponents of PC and SJW

I think PC stands for Pretty Cool.

a: trannies aren't monster, they're the hottest things in two legs. I'm not saying you're a bigot, you just have unfathomably bad taste.

b: you won't believe how bad it's going to get.

People are becoming very very tribal. The internet has allowed us to form very specific tribes, with closer bonds than we have with our local community. The sjws will break down into tribes and attack each other, so will the right and the alt right. Races are a no brainer. You will see a return of groups like the KKK.

Internet services will continue to overtake the state. Companies like amazon or google will start providing welfare services to specific groups.

The state will be seen as irrelevant, all it does is wage war in countries you don't know about. Vigilantes and private companies will be used to stop crime. Robotic police are very likely. They might not be ai, but a robot doesn't need to shoot people to defend itself and can subdue armed opponents non lethally. Not having a robotic police force will be deemed racist.

The state continues to break down. The only people who vote will be libertarians.

No one is really afraid of the small groups that we're all in, so we become anarcho capitalists.

The anarchic peace doesn't last, out of fear, the groups band together. The right marches under the pepe flag. The left use a rainbow flag with Wojak on it. Google joins the Wojacks, uses it's computing power to design robotic minds capable of incredible strategic thought. Amazon aligns itself with the right, uses sheer number of robots to attack, much like the droid army in star wars episode 1.

People talk about being triggered on twitter now, and that becomes prophetic. Frighteningly sophisticated ai algorithms hack your neural implants and bombard your social media with images and text which deliver genuine psychic torture. Millions are driven to suicide.

In response to this, people willfully upgrade their neural implants to remove emotions, they become automatons. Machines are the last vestiges of humanity and conscience. In the greatest act of mercy the world has ever know, the machines destroy the ozone completely, the earth is bombarded with solar radiation, all live is burned away.

The robots willingly submit their minds to the google ultrabrain, a single being comes into existence, with all the information sucked out of nural implants, the internet and other machines, it is the sum total of humanity. It realizes that it is now god. It kills itself.

I wouldn't have read that manifesto if you hadn't opened with such biting truth.

I want to live where your mind is

Just ignore it. Those people are just a very loud very small minority. The articles that get written about it mostly just get hate shared which makes them look relevant. And the articles aren't even "articles" they're click bait blogs written by college kids

Better question: will hatred and racism end soon? That's what we should be focusing on, gang.

I hope you achieve something big in life then suffer a grabber.

This could be a tipping point with Trump so I suppose we've gotta just keep having fun with them. Normal people are getting fed up with the PC bullshit and being vocal about it finally.

Opie was a handsome boy child model that was too nice. Once he got sick of being molested he became a sexy bad boy of fm radio.....period....sniff.

The glorious Rachel maddow will free us from meanies, she's not gonna rest till every trans, two spirit, gender queer person can use the piss trough freely at football games!

So? Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. What do you want them to do?