How does Stephen Lynch get a pass on this sub?

7  2017-01-08 by Cawdor

His songs are fucking awful and Opie loves him. That should be enough.


Name seems familiar, cant recall who he is, some people are lucky enough that only a few sub members make a stink about them but not enough for everyone to join in on the fun

Humor doesn't usually age well. What people found hilarious in 2002 is pretty cringey now.

That goes double for joke songs.

"daddy likes rubbing against little boys on the bus, I think that's why your mommy left us"

slayed me and everyone else in jr high.

"You drive a fucking Panzer baby" still gets me.

We used to trade tapes when he was on local shows. It was a weird time, the 90's.

His songs were sick enough to not be complete cheese when I listened to them years ago.

The guy hasn't been on the show in over 7 years.

I'm just a civilian, but those songs made me laugh. Also, they weren't parody songs, he wrote original songs that were funny.

You know, we are all civilians and should act accordingly...... That fucking civilian horseshit will be the reason I wish nothing but failure on Kurt Metzger forever. Not only is "civilian" the stupidest fucking word that he could have used to describe a non-comedian, but the way that he doubled-down on it made it worse. As soon as he tried to make a correlation between the work doctors/surgeons do to him, and Amy Schumer, stealing other peoples' dick jokes, he lost the argument.

He gets a pass because nobody remembers him.


Because nobody knows or cares about him anymore. He stinks.

That "Gay Tattoo" song was the last thing I heard from him and although it wasn't hilarious it had some funny bits and I agree with its mocking of tattoos, which are almost always gay.

I saw him in Sydney, he was hilarious. Nice try with the hate though brotherman

Because it isn't 2005

I thought he was retired or something

Those songs were pretty great in their era. Today, not so much

Not everyone can write the classics like your favorite Hot Dicken's Cider song. Sorry, bro.

When was the last time he got mentioned? When it was noted he toured with Mitch Hedberg when he ODed? His career was over in 2004. You can only do an Adam Sandler tribute act for so long.

I never liked him, I dreaded when he came on the old WNEW show as much as Pablo Fransico or Farell. The amount of fake/forced laughter was exhausting to listen to. It was usually an instant tune-out, then I'd have to spend the rest of my boring work shift listening to classic rock or something. Because there was no such thing as a podcast yet. He was the worst, I thought Dane Cook was fucking Carlin in comparison.

I don't think Pablo was that bad. Ever hear the movie guy voice?


Siffle and Ollie would fit in on Adult Swim.

Had a couple good songs 2000-2001ish. Completely fell off since. This is actually the first time ive heard his name in 10 years.