Josh Fonner RIP

36  2017-01-07 by Mr13aker

Josh Fonner of "We eat the Batman" and Goth meme fame, fan of o&a passed away 2 days ago


My funniest thing he ever did was troll Brother Joe.

Even with your description, I have no idea who the fuck that is.

Well at least one person does so mission accomplished


It doesn't matter if it's a shock, it's a human life and it matter for some people. You? Not so much. We get it.

Shut up and let stupid take his last beating.

I'll allow it.

Rest in feast 😭


"It's a human life!" Not anymore. But that giant bag of fat he called a body is going to make for some very happy maggots.

Well, yeah, or cremation. I mean, that'd be a massive casket

or an out of control grease fire that burns down a neighborhood. That'd be a great way to go

he looks like zac damico in the future

Can McDonalds rebound from the death of the grimace??

This is why not having a public health system is a good thing. Can you imagine how many thousands of dollars would have been wasted?

Wha wha hqppened?

According to his girlfriend he was having trouble breathing the other night, his heart gave out in the ambulance. Complications from pneumonia/existing heart troubles likely

It's cute that you think of yourself as his girlfriend.

A man can dream

Those gays always die of ''pneuomonia''. R.I.P.

Anytime anyone dies of pneumonia it seems like it's just their body giving up. Usually happens to people over 75 and anyone younger is usually very obese.

How fat was his girlfriend?

Funniest thing he ever did was troll Brother Joe.

And for that, we thank him.

I'd argue that dying a shitty death is funnier.

I hate that he died. Mainly because Joe Cumia can chalk it up as a win for him.

JOE: Who says I have no effect on their lives?

Poor fat bastard.

At least now he can finally lose some of that baby weight.

Are you drinking again?

Depends. Are you buying?


Depends. Will you blow me?

Sure will. Whip that smoke wagon out for me, guy.

Hey /u/theronin23 , u dead?

won't see him no more.

Ya kiddin!

Hate to be the one to confirm but Joshua was a dear friend of mine and he is in fact dead. It was the evening of January 5th and he was 28.


Who is Masha, sir?

Why bother with a funeral? Just toss his ass on a beach and let people try and push him back into the ocean.

tss dats not funny to joke about ppl who passed away, ur a piece a shit

I used to rent the space in between his gut and pubic region. I'll never have an apartment that spacious again.

He was alright in my book. May not have defied O&A fan stereotypes, but he was always civil on the sub. And he traded blows with Brother Joe on Facebook when Joe was pretending his family had been threatened or whatever that nitwit thought.

Damn first /u/AcePainterLo then /u/GRIZx not to mention /u/stinksskc who is basically dead. You faggots need some cardio.

Can I be the naive asshole who asks if they are actually dead.

what happened to ma boi griz?

He's fine.

I'm fine griz is fine

Griz might have actually killed himself or overdosed. Nobody has heard from him since his birthday weeks ago

I talked to him he's fine

Why is he laying low? The spinuch shit?

Think he's just going through some family shit idk

Someone arrest Brother Joe for his murder.

His girlfriend asked that people don't donate anonymously btw. Seeing all the different names and support is helping.

That guy is fat.


I'm sure he still is, it takes a while to decompose.

Actually, he's going to get progressively fatter as the bacteria develops and gasses are released during the beginning of decomposition. His gut will grow immensely as will every possible pocket of air his carcass provides until the point where he pops like a giant flesh balloon and his stomach acids spill through the puncture like one of those pepsi mentos fountains.

I thought you left.

Interesting. Then what happens?

Active decay. The spilled fluids and maggots have at the flesh and fat and that's when old Joshua becomes a skinny stinky boy. Usually if you're going to fuck, it's before this point. But who am I to judge?

/u/drsteve103 comment?

When does the corpse fart? That's the funniest part of dying.

What about his peckah? Will that explode?

He'll be fat at least until 2018.

Thoughts and prayers thoughts and prayers

I wish it was /u/spinuch

Or Bob Kelly

Me too.

Do we know where Joe was that night?

Tss yeah maybe he kept getting the busy signal or sumthin

He was 14 tons old

So somebody finally collected that bounty...


FYI, if you google him, his Facebook comes up and it's now in memorial status with multiple posts about his passing.

Maybe he'd like to take part in one last Jocktobering?

I need to add this to my will!

Call in the Hawaiians and shovels. Lets roast this fat ass bitch.

His name was Robert Paulson


His mom can use my dick to wipe her tears with. She's kinda hot.

Alright you are edgy

Just saying his mom looks good. Stop bullying me.

I just want a taste

Houdidd it happen?

recquisiat in bacon

I'd suggest we light some candles, but i think open flames around the off-gassing would be a fire hazard.

The irony is that Josh thrived on being roasted. He's somewhere lol'ing at this thread.

That big Arby's in the sky. I hope to be going you for a double classic with curly fries by the end of winter, you magnificent water buffaler.

How shit is your life if Arby's is Heaven to you?

Yeah, everybody knows Wendy's is the official fast food joint of the afterlife.


Can we go ahead and get some condolences for the backs of the pall bearers?

Can I be the naive asshole who asks if they are actually dead.

what happened to ma boi griz?

Or Bob Kelly

Me too.

I'm fine griz is fine

or an out of control grease fire that burns down a neighborhood. That'd be a great way to go