During the 15 seconds I listened to the Opie Show, this "Mad Cuban" complained about all of the unattractive people in the Northeast.

30  2017-01-07 by Brooks___Was___Here


You don't think the merging of Bob Kelly & Michael Strahan makes for an attractive man?

I think he was talking about Gregggg

Opie coulda been a mODel

Never listened to his voice. But he looks like an unfunny faggot.

Bad voice, horrible sense of humor. He is an Opie ballwasher along with Sherrod.

You're lucky because speaks like he has about a cup of saliva in his mouth when he speaks, just gross.


ME: Duuude!!! I'm all in with the Mad Cuban, man! He don't give a fawwkkkk!

Gap-toothed Mexi Nigger

My imaginary girlfriend said she may fuck him for the story.

There was this bitch on Mission St that called herself the mad cuban, for $40 she would suck one of your testicles out through your dick

Cool hat.

Right now he's slurring (through that mile gapped buck grill) to someone how good the foie gras tacos are at The Rusty Brown Plantain.

That's not Bubba Ray Dudley?