Apparently someone in my town doesn't like Vos...

96  2017-01-07 by ElectricHellKnight


Heresch da begins before conception. Life begins as schoon ash you eat da coochie, okay.

"I tried to get her with the coathanger. SHE'S DODGIN ME."

He may not be Pro Life...

But he's doing a life-size gig in Cleveland on January 20th at Mohican Sun from 9pm-11, then Vos will be at The Egg in Albany from the 13th to the 20th on the main stage

Vos may not be pro life, but he is prolific.


But we eat da coochie

That's right, because he always kills on stage.

I want that van to follow him around everywhere he goes. And then when he goes into SiriusXM to do the show, a guy stands right outside the glass wall holding that sign. Forever.

Firsht of all fetuses can go fuck themselves ok!?

"Daddy, what'sh pro life? A life that getsh paid"

Quit photographing my minivan eh!

Quit photographing my minivan eh!

the sign's actually referring to rich's dad

It's true. He dies on stage every night.

Haha...crazy Christians.

theyre saying that as a good thing right? 'yey, rich vos is not pro life :)'

Fucking Mexicans.


He isn't. He kills on stage almost every night.