Opie is unknowingly stirring the doody

4  2017-01-07 by TheScarletR


Yeah, but ya see the thing is NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT EITHER SHOW.

I disagree. I'd like for Jim and Sam to succeed at least long enough for Opie to commit suicide over it.

Oh yeah, there is that.

Me too. They just aren't doing it though.

If they were vicious and sarcastic I would agree. Instead they've decided to be passive aggressive bitches so no thanks. Let them all fail.

I challenge anyone to find me an Opie fan who doesn't appear to be an intolerable douche. His fanbase is so predictable.

His "fanbase" seem like twitter bots or retarded third world paid tweeters.

"Gotta listen to somethin while I'm at my kid's game, bro! Pass me a grape beer!"

Unironic hashtags turn my stomach

pigs fucking footballs is funnier than most things.

The first thing I thought of was Norm's blueberry joke at the Bob Saget roast.

he'll trizzle the shizzle all over the hizzle