That time I did Rogan's podcast

58  2017-01-07 by neocobb5


Nothing worse living in a shit hole where you have to pinch every roach till it burns your hand, because pot is still the devil's drug. Bracing for DUDE.

What's preventing you from moving?

If I abandon my entire life and move to the other side of the globe someone might get the idea that a drug is controlling my life.

Why don't you grow it?

I shouldn't have to do anything for it. Besides getting caught with plants is a career ender for me.

Yeah move out of Thailand. How many underage boys do you need to fuck?

Why? May just dont move to Colombia but otherwise, what is the correlation to moving and drugs here?

I love puffen the DEVULS CABBIGE DVV DVVV it makes me dance wit the devvv

Joints are so fucking stupid. It's wasteful and stinks the whole place up.

You take that back sir!

I use a one hitter and a half ounce lasts me 6 months. My friends go through that much in 2 weeks because they are trashpeople

They have more fun than you.

this dudes fuckin' hardcore

I'm hardcore because I don't go through much weed?

Way to get the joke.

The upvotes on your post is a true testament to how pathetic this sub is

Baaah I can't get high, stop getting high, I can't.

Sparked one just for you cuck

I hate anything rolled in a paper.

I hope he gets a lil' assaulted by men of African American persuasion

Hope he gets a lil' breast cancer

Ha ha, just kidding

I know that reference!

The worst part is LA has the best weed in the world with all types of rare strains from nor-cal and the sfv, but gay rogan gets generic sativas because he doesn't like "lazy weed" maaaaaan.


I hope weed never becomes legal. If it does, we'll all have to deal with weed "connoisseurs", like this ass

The reason they exist is because it's taboo and underground. How many faggots talking about coffee have you encountered?

The entire city of Seattle

I can't give shit to Opie for this. If you are not a regular smoker one hit is more than enough to fuck you up. More than that and he'd be to high to talk. On top of that, Rogan's podcast was one of the few times he was bearable.

Do you talk about it for years afterward?

I guess yeah if that's your only pot story since high school or college. He's just a middle aged man with two kids. What did your dad talk about when he wanted to be edgy?


I wouldn't put it past Opie to take a few tokes, not inhale, and act like he's all fucked up. "Put on some Unplugged maahan...."

Coke is better. Helps numb your ass when you're unwantingly taking it in the shit pipe every weekend in the 80's.


I hope weed never becomes legal. If it does, we'll all have to deal with weed "connoisseurs", like this ass