The new season of It's Always Sunny is going to be a hoot!

69  2017-01-07 by andiswearrrr


i predict lots of vagina talk this season

"The Gang Breaks the Glass Ceiling"

Apparently some people havent taken too nicely to his wifes new show that stagefronted with a transgendered 6 year old. Frank would know better



The Actress who plays "Sweet Dee" is on some degenerate show where tranny kid has a ball gag.

Actually makes tranny lifestyle look evil.

Dennis System's wife Jill is actually a big LGBT person on twitter with no followers though.

The Mick?

I think so.

Btw. Always has a conservative following because Mac, Dennis & Charlie are all Irish-Americans. Maybe Glenn Howerton has some german ancestry or something.

No Italians & no jews on the main cast until they invited established legend DeVito.

dude, you are a crazy person. but I applaud your trollolling

how humiliating for women, it's like giving the slow kid a participation prize

They know what they are.

You are describing feminism in its totality.

thank goodness tina took him to task

And he validated it. He's just as bad.

'I think we need more nigger, women, paki faggots in high paying jobs' - From a Nigger, Woman, Paki Fagott looking for a high paying job

I bet Tina has a hairy snatch.

I couldn't find any info on that after a quick google search.

We need to deploy the Go Team

I bet Tina has some touch of gray shit going on down there

I absolutely agree. There's an episode of 30 Rock in which she says she's "very hairy". It's NBC so she's not direct but I believe she alluding to her box when Alec Baldwin makes a comment/insult about her alleged Alopecia.

The first episode had so much potential based on the opening premise, but then it just sucked.

It could've been saved if either --

1) They did the whole episode in blackface.

2) Frank said nigger.

Admittedly I checked out half way through, but I still whole heartedly agree with this.

They did it in third person one time talking about a wrestler they hired.

“He was like, "You stupid 'n', go get me grease, 'n'...” “"N" this, "N" that...”

I think the first episode charlie quotes someone saying "there will be niggers swinging from the rafters"

'can you give names?"


These women fantasize about Gestapo and beg for a marxist totalitarianism where every one is checked.

Tits McColoredPerson

Like he owed that cunt any form of explanation.

When Michelle McLaren directs Game of Thrones/Westworld/Breaking Bad episodes, you don't even notice. I'm not worried about directors. But it's not clear from those tweets whether the female writing is a new thing or not. That sounds like a red flag but I'm too lazy to look up if they had a lot of broads writing in the past.

Kind of not really the point though which is the whole forced equal representation thing. What fucking entitled babies.

Of course Jim & Pam ruined The Office. They're both fucking white males. How about giving somebody else a turn, mmkay?

God I wish I was a fat ugly indian dyke , I've always wanted to be a movie star

Why do we get the shitty dark indians? Light skinned indian women are some of the hottest, like a young madhuri dixit

Even the light-skinned ones have monobrows and smell of turmeric though

You raise a valid point my good man.

Ok fair enough. I would certainly take her out for a milkshake.

(And then violently gangrape her on a bus with 11 of my Indian pals)


I hope she goes to jail for that.

I'd let her shit curry down my gullet if you know what I mean .

But eating their pussies gets rid of inflammation. Somebody brought it up on Rogans podcast.

Not the inflammation in my ball sack.

Well Yujiro, they're here but they aren't ugly enough to get pity and hence be on television

Michael Scott dressing down Larry Wilmore was great. You could predict Wilmore token career.

What did Mindy Kaling have to do with Jim & Pam? That was a continuation of the office romance storyline Ricky started extended to a full American season.

I didn't mean it was all her idea to have two people wanting to fuck each other in a sitcom. That happens in all sitcoms, and in pretty much everything. It's how they went about it. She (Kaling) got more and more influence as seasons went by until the characters got married and the show started focusing on the warm fuzzy aspects of their relationship all the time.

Ive written a few posts here about why the us office fails compared to the old one. Tl;dr tho -- comedy is tragedy, not victory.

And that stupid bitch writes with victory in mind.

God I hate her.


I never knew that, makes sense looking back though. I always thought they focused on less funny shit way too much in the later seasons.

Must've been a few years ago, they started using outside writers instead of doing it all themselves. The shows they don't write really suffer.

That sounds like a red flag (Mindy Kaling and her awful Jim&Pam horse shit ruining The Office) but I'm too lazy to look up if they had a lot of broads writing in the past.

I think you're correct but I'm also too lazy to look it up.

Broads really know how to ruin shit. I liked Westworld but I'm gonna guess the "co-creator", Jonathan Nolan's wife, wasn't allowed to do too much damage.

So there we have it. With few exceptions (like American Psycho), even when a woman is officially credited. I give them no credit.

The IMDB page only lists 2-3 female writers, but it doesn't have the season 12 credits yet.

But considering that the most recent episode was the most preachy they've ever done (though not Shumer level) I'd be willing to bet that they had a few women on board.

If you think that episode was "preachy", there's a 99.9999% chance that the problem is you, and you're preachy.

It did have a clear political point it was making, and Sunny doesn't usually do that. I didn't hate the episode, I'm worried that the slight message there could indicate a growing, bad trend.

They've always referenced current events and shit on sunny, the gang gets racist was like the first episode.

That's why that show sucks now. I could have guessed #cucks

The last season had maybe 2 good episodes so I really don't care at this point.

I liked Being Frank and The Gang Goes to Hell.

Such a cuckold

Fuck Hollywood

Bunch of faggots

Not us though

IBU John juju he

Dunno about you fellas but that tina seems like a wet blanket.

uh oh

it's always cucky in Philadelphia

Before I laugh at something I always make sure a diverse cast of people brought me that humor. A dick joke is not a joke unless half of the writers aren't white males.

and don't have dicks too cause nobody knows humor like a big bag of cunts

The best ingredient in a comedy show is making sure that every race and gender gets a shot at directing it. Comedy shows aren't about being funny as much as they are about diversity. Bravo!

What's the point of a laugh if you can't share it with a group of individually selected women and minorities of different cultural backgrounds?

Rob went to St Joes Prep so you know he's a complete loser

That'd be funny if they get all minority and female directors and the episodes are more savage and offensive than ever. Like the gang starts a race war and denies an abortion to some black chick or something.

Hey Opie and Anthony subreddit! I'm a girl and I'm funny and I know you guys like all different types of jokes and to laugh at different things so I'd love to tell you all a joke today! So I was getting fucked by this black guy and my vagina started bleeding and I was like "shit, my vagina's bleeding I can't tell if it's because I'm on my period or because his dick is too big" anyways I hope you guys liked it



pigs can't type. don't be a fucking retard


The first episode this season was fucking dynamite, but the thing about this show is that -at least in the last couple of season- the guys have been delegating the responsibility to other writers, instead of conceiving and spear-heading the scripts themselves. Rickety Cricket barely writes episodes now (except for bookending the season); they're all just exec-producing. Really, they're trying to put eggs in other baskets in the biz, which means they're not putting the usual 30-something weeks behind the writing; its been outsourced by other writers who are hired each season. It affects the quality for sure, but since they're so immaculate in their roles, they're able to really pull it off.

That being said: Lexi Alexander really needs her head caved in with a series of elbows. She's one of the biggest idiotic hate-mongers there are, next to the other morons who have made a whole career from being outraged.

You sure like this show, huh fella?

I hate...HATE...most shows on television except for a very small handful. So I care a bit more about what I like.

I'm in the same boat, this and Rick and Morty are the only shows that I watch that aren't from HBO or some other premium channel but that premier was absolutely awful.

The first 8 or 9 seasons were the best anyway. With a few good ones in season 10 and 11. I think they seriously need to think about ending it soon though.

They were supposed to at season 10; Glenn said they were going to in a Rolling Stone thing because it didn't make sense to keep these characters going as they were entering their 40's. But then he threw the reporter under the bus, without condemning her, when he found out they were locked into doing 3 more seasons.

Not trying to be a dick but that's not how this works. And an EP on TV is not like when Brad Pitt gets thrown a credit for a movie. They're still breaking the story for scripts that have the Chernins name on it. It's largely irrelevant. Any drop off in quality is largely due to the fact that it's nearly impossible for a non-serialzed show - especially a comedy - to stay fresh after so many episodes.

I would agree except for the fact that when they were really building the show -and even to a degree after- they were the chief writers for (almost) each script of Always Sunny. Possibly because FX -even though they were trying to keep the show in the game by adding Danny Devito- were largely leaving them alone with only a select few in the way of writers, and a lower budget (its odd how they let them shoot so much of the show on location in Philly early on -on top of the LA sets- but I guess they argued for it). So its not like they could afford to fill a large Simpsons-like writers room, and they had to get people cheap without a ton of credits, on a network that may not have lasted 5 years at the time. And certainly FX was putting almost all their eggs in one basket with The Shield. All of that combined worked out, as it really gave them time to stretch out the characters in writing and performance, in an environment where they could really do whatever they wanted, with the freedom to grow.

My point was just that, all of that considered; the show was great because it was as close to personal as it could get. Since they had the time to really become MASTERS of the characters in terms of performance; when they had to delegate responsibilities that they used to take on themselves, they can still make it work, even if the recent newbie writers are writing scripts that are CARICATURES of the show, not actually scripts FOR the show.

Liberals do not care about the quality of the show, just how many minorities you can affirmative action into it.

And when the quota has been adequately filled they move on to the next 'problematic issue' instead of watching it themselves. Swarm of locusts.

yeah because it's always sunny is such a shit show right`? stopid ghost go home you drunk

Always Sunny actually has a conservative rightwing following.

There are not many minorities or douche chill or virtue signalling to minorities on the show or the episodes.

Everytime the gang is confronted by a jewish businessman or some minorities they usually double cross them and eventually defeat them.

The closest to recurring or serious minorities is Artemis Pebdani is like Mike Cernovich(linked to the Mullahs of Iran).

Not many liberal Jewish fellas on the show. Like Arrested Development or other shows are half Jewish the cast.

You could have a show like Hardcore Pawn which all Jewish but they are not Hollywood Jews. They are rumble tumble Detroit jews.

Rickety Cricket is a big liberal. Dennis System, Dennis System Caylee is a big liberal in real life.

Charlie said Obama was a snappy dresser.

Dee & The Waitress do SJW type tv shows on other networks.

Mac on some chitty comic con press conference was taking himself seriously like that a few episodes he was talking about had to have meaning.

DeVito is a liberal but has the greatest series of political lines.

I bet some people regret this storyline:

Mini-Frank Reynolds — “Deandra, a woman in politics is like a donkey doing calculus.” “Come on, there are plenty of amazing women politicians.” — Mini-Dee Reynolds Mini-Frank Reynolds — “Name one.” “Uh, Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton?” — Mini-Dee Reynolds Mini-Frank Reynolds — “ Awful.” “How is she awful?” — Mini-Dee Reynolds Mini-Frank Reynolds — “Hates freedom.”

Its always sunny is ending, he needs to start acting uber liberal so he can get some work.

There goes the last funny good comedy on tv.

Always sunny has been shitty and contrived the last few seasons anyway.

Admittedly this is my favorite comedy show of all time. Especially the early seasons are awesome.

Smug cunt. HPV her and all her kin.

No wonder the season premier sucked such dick. A fucking musical in 2017.

Fuckin' jiggaboos are gonna get hair grease all over the lens.

There goes another show down the shitter

"I demand to hear my own voice repeated back to me, or else I'll cry discrimination!"

I love the cunty entitlement of this bitch. Here's the breakdown of her process:

Step 1: Accuse a show of being discriminatory with no basis and in direct contradiction of reality

Step 2: When told my the show's creator that she is wrong, and that the facts are publicly available (watch the show's credits you whore) she responds by asking him to present her with names that are already available if she'd bothered to look.

And he dignifies it with a response, should have left it alone.

And he dignifies it with a response, should have left it alone.

Yuck what a cunt

Why the fuck would it be an issue that there are no female directors on a show that's demographic is males...

🎶🎶🎶well I guess he just found out the new rules 🎶🎶🎶

She's a cunt and half of you are awful people. How dare you talk shit about Always Sunny and the gang. Shame on you

Oh god I wish I didn't see that....this is my favorite show and I've just been rewatching older episodes on netflix

Look! I saved this nuke from going off by setting off a different one.

This is the logic of forced diversity. Replacing bad with equally bad, then simply embracing the new bad.

How are they oblivious to this? They're comedy writers. I know they're aware of the ridiculousness of society and forced political correctness, etc.

This world is so confusing now.

The first episode was pretty mediocre.

How can i short this show?

That explains why these recent seasons have been shit.



A show about twats and they only cast cunts.

ugh i will never understand forced diversity, if the girl/minority is a good writer, hire them but dont just hire them to fill a quota. why would this stupid girl want a show she doesn't like to have women writers for no reason, who gives a shit.

"She's the useless chick!"

first episode was hilarious

Diversity for diversity's sake is the new mandate of Hollywood. I don't even have the anger anymore, I'm exhausted by it. I'm bombarded with this nonsense practically daily, I could tell you story after story of not only what bullshit this is, but how it's directly affected my fucking career and some of my best friends. It's reverse racism, it's racism. I saw this behind the scenes promo for Black Panther, basically talking about how great it was that less white people are involved on every conceivable level:

When you submit to film festivals, there is now an entire section you have to fill out of what crew positions were what race/sex/ethnicity.

I sat at the Nerdmelt mic the other night and listened to the (unfunny, white, feminazi) host just berate the crowd of probably 70 people, saying there was way too many straight, white male comics here and "we're boring, and nobody wants to hear our bullshit." So she actively dug through the lotto bucket looking for women's names, even though only about 5 women showed up.

...when your progress is challenged.

this shit got my blood boiling. the arrogance...

i wonder if she tweeted to the NYC dept of Sanitation demanding more female garbage collectors

It's no wonder the show has gone to shit

I'm confused by her last comment about talking civilly when their progress is challenged.

So if they still had all male directors and writers, they'd get shit. But if they suddenly realized they're all male and decided to get some females as well, they...get shit on again for taking too long?

Whatever happened to "better late than never"? This isn't going to help discourse.

Do you think their doing that to prove that woman and black people aren't funny? Or they have to succumb to the pressure of modern of America? I found episode 1 funny, but not what I'm use to watching from IASIP. Your thoughts?

They've always referenced current events and shit on sunny, the gang gets racist was like the first episode.

this shit got my blood boiling. the arrogance...