Opie's kids are retards and lots of men cum inside of Lynsi Hughes

55  2017-01-06 by unclepaul84

Did I mention Opie's kids are retards?


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just check out funny mofos

i say that all the time and no one ever gets my reference. Have all my upvotes

One is. Hudson gets good grades.

I like your name

Concise and accurate.

I cannot dispute those statements.

Do we know if Lynsi has been blacked yet ?

That's just assumed

blacked, yellowed, and even tarded once

Yeah, she got tarded on the honeymoon.

I'd like to throat fuck Lynsi Hughes.


tsss yeah what are we speaking french or sumptin'


Ah, come on now fella. She's a mom! Show a little respect why don't ya!

I would let her oral cavity stimulate my genitals.

My Me, Myself and Irene reference seems to have shit the bed.

Nope, never saw it.

Too busy havin' all that throat sex...

I'm confused, do you mean Bam's kids are retards?

Let Bam see his son!

Who's kids? (Philly accent)

Hey Vince, welcome to the sub!

You did in fact mention it just now

Opie's kids could achieve Opie's dream of a viral video. All they need is some black teen friends.

Hmm I see what you're saying. Pretty subtle but I get it.

OpIe....YoUr kIdS aRe NoT ReTaRdS...

Hudson actually does a good podcast. No way he's Opies kid

These mean spirited threads make me laugh for no reason, and I'm ashamed of myself after. It's like my eyes need a rape shower after hanging out in here.

Tell us something we don't know.

I gotta tell ya man, still though at the end of the day, making fun of a guy's wife and kids, that's just NAAAHT FUNNY! Bam Margera's cum splatters all over this guys wife, and you people wanna make jokes about it, but it's NAAAHT FUNNY! Stansbury, maybe you can laugh at these jokes and feel okay about it, but I got a wife and kids at home pal, that stuff just AIN'T FUNNY! AAAAAAND PUNT!

I'd never thought of it that way before but I can see your point.

Instead of Bald opie I want black Sam, a little darker everyday until his negrocation completes