Vincent D'Onofrio calls Opie on his bullshit.

140  2017-01-06 by beavvv


D'onofrio is going all in on this. He's pissed, and he should be. VD for president.

Chlamydia will be his running mate

That's just her stage name. Her real name is Gonorrhea Johnson.

D'onofrio is done with it now and Opies trying to keep it going, ugh


If you're going to do a gay joke in 2016,make sure its funny.


I celebrate the Chinese New Year, it's in like 40 days or whatever they're up to.

Tss Varrey Chip that's rike so glody or sumthin tss tss

It'd be ashame if I were offended enough at this man's gay bashing that I wrote SiriusXM an email about how offended I am. This offends me.

There are autistic children with Youtube Let's Play channels that would be ashamed to get the numbers Opie gets on his tweets and videos

Ewww. That's so fucking needy. He's trying to make himself look cool and keep the conversation going.

Any time Opie says "Honestly," you know it's bullshit.

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT PROFILE PICTURE? I'm almost convinced he's being douchy on purpose now.

I think the picture of Stonehenge on his profile is even more ridiculous, I back searched it and it hasn't been posted anywhere else, so it's probably guess is that he went to England recently and intentionally didn't mention it on air, so he could create an air of mystery around his photo...he's nearly 60.

Loving the Opester's hip new twitter profile pic. For a moment I forgot he was almost 60 years old.

The Stonehenge header pic is even worse, I reverse image searched it and it's an original..never listen now, did this dope go to Scotland recently? -

Oh you mean Brother Jopie?

He's covering his hair and eyes. He doesn't think he looks cool, BaldOpie got to him. Praise be to BaldOpie.

Vincent D'Onofrio is amazing on Daredevil. I hope Opie goes blind, but gets no super powers.

He's a great actor. Also amazing in the Altman movie The Player.

You stacks of stick aren't going to mention his best movie? BULL SHIT! Full Metal Jacket is his ultimate appearance.

He carries that entire show. I'd give anything to see Wilson Fisk smash the shit out of Opie.

I hope he is in the new Punisher show coming this year

That's who plays fisk? Tbh I thought season 2 was trash without him and I despise Jon berthal as the punisher

He was in season 2.

Yeah Opie should b regular blind.

I wanna want to see Wilson Fisk bash dumb Opie's head in with those mongoloid hands

I was hoping to see the "Hi Ope!" guy in that timeline.

Is he still around ?

Fucking Ant worming his way into the middle of this.

Vincent has over 100,000 followers (and he didn't buy his followers like Opie) - if Ant wasn't helping this cunt Opie out we could finish him off this month.

What did Ant say? I don't have a Twitter.

Listened to that episode recently - VD is a passive aggressive liberal faaaaag.

"With all do respect.."


It's like elderly ladies arguing at bingo.

The best part?
You know Jimmy is jerking off to this wearing panties with a bowl full of hooker shit.

One could reason that basically Private Pyle was directly responsible for electing DJT

"it was 5 years ago". I was a different person.

A young, easily influenced 56 year old boy.

ME: I was drunk with power after getting my AARP card. belch

So has anybody linked the video of Cake Smash to Mr D'Onofrio?

I feel like this would be just a wonderful example of Opie's personality.

YES! Brilliant! Thank you for that!

Oh god, wrecked. Please post if he has anything to say about that, I'm Twitterless.

All due* respect...Vincent Lysdexia.

One of the commenters said Opie looks like he has FAS lolol!

Opie is circling the fucking drain. Give it a year and he'll be working at Kinkos.

Ol' Fat Tongued Sherrod interjected himself in the argument as well, going so far as to invite D'Onofrio onto the show to discuss.

Nice of him to project to the world that he's part of Opie Radio enough to invite guests onto his platform.

"I invited him on the show, hope that's okay :)"

He's got more say than Jim had.

This is going great

Is Vinnie D retarded at all?

jeez Opie is such a worm.

God damn he holds a fucking grudge. Good for Vincent for calling opie out!

i don't have twitter but someone send vinny that pie video with sherrod's dick going in his mouth

This nigga Kingpin

i still dont understand this entire situation. why didnt brietbart want this picture out there?

its rude to share another guys dick pic.

idk who this guy is but he seems like a douche, who cares about what happened on a radio show 5 year ago, he didnt say you murdered someone, let it go and count you're money.

It's a bit.
No way a guy raised in Bensonhurst writes like he's inviting the queen over for tea.

All "do" respect