First time listening to Opie in months. He makes a string of hack dad jokes, people force loud laughter, then it's time to tap out.

2  2017-01-06 by suchanjv


Why are they even paying him when you only hear comedians talking when he's on?

Fucking guy.

He's had months to at least attempt something new. But why do that when you could do the same old boring bullshit over and over until you're finally banished from the airwaves for eternity.

Still starts the show the same way; "There we have it (insert song and band name here). You into (band name)(guest name)?"...

Still announces guests to the callers for some unknown reason; "(callers name) we have (guest name),(guest name),(guest name),(guest name) in studio right now."

Still pretends to know nothing about what the caller is talking about, but then goes deep into detail about what they were talking about;

Caller: "How do you feel about the Vincent D'Onofrio comments on the Jim and Sam show this morning?"

ME: "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? WHAT COMMENTS!? WHO SAID THIS!?"...moments later..."We did nothing to set him up! It was not a setup! I didn't use his name for clickbait at all!"

He's shit. He brought on the Stangels to "reinvent" the show, post Cumia. In actuality, he brought them on to feed him jokes and funny lines, like what Benjy and Jackie did for Howard. This failed miserably because the Stangles suck and Opie can't read properly, so he dragged them into the studio to take abuse and deflect from his inability to host a radio show. Then they left for hackier but greener syndicated TV pastures and Opie got even worse. It's like he gave up.

Opie isn't good.

I tuned in to the start of the show Wednesday. He played Jean Genie by Bowie and did the usual intro. I actually got twenty minutes in of Tits babbling about nothing and had to tap out when he started another nothing sentence by singing "JEAN GENIEEE" randomly and nervously.

He did that in this episode too with some song Bert used "MIDNIGHT SPECIAL"

I wish he would at least try something to get people interested. Would be a great time for a radio war with Anthony since they're on at the same time. If they did it right they would probably get a lot more attention to both shows.

Why anyone still pays to listen to that shit is beyond reason. If you're expecting something new out of that cast of fags, then you almost deserve to be ripped off.

Uncle Sherrod bugs too