Legion of Skanks 291 w/ Anthony Cumia, Nick Mullen, and Stavros Halkias [full video episode]

43  2017-01-05 by TheScarletR

DIRECT LINK - https://archive.org/download/LosCumBoyz/LoS%20291%20Ant,%20Nick,%20and%20Stav.mp4

PAGE LINK (if you want to download it, yourself) - https://archive.org/details/LosCumBoyz

Luis' team of Jews will almost certainly get this pulled by tomorrow, watch it ASAP. It was a hilarious episode, the best one in a while. Probably had nothing to do with Big Jay being absent, tho.

Enjoy, folks


Thx.. was big jays absence anything to do with Anthony being on?

Probably. I don't think they booked him until like monday

Does Big Jay not like Anthony?

He's in LA but it looks like that more and more. Big Hay won't be on anything Ant is. Bonfire is going 4 days a week so Big Jay might no longer be a part of the show

When Big Jay can't make it they usually haveva guest host, like Soder or Normans. Under TACS they mostly got Ant to cover.

I was always under the impression Jay liked Ant.

Anthony was booked a few weeks ago but had to do the Bennington thing so they rescheduled him. He was on back in like September and Big Jay was there.

Thank you


Thanks a bundle sweetie :)

Thanks budday!

You provide so much for us. It feels good to give you something back

Oh no problem I appreciate the weekly episodes!

Will you faggots make out already?

it was very interesting despite all the differences of opinion all the guys seemed to play to Ant ... Elder statesman perhaps

They didn't want that ghoul to lose his temper and bite them.

So much better without Big Jay.

but, what about his most recent threesome with some 4 from Cleveland?

Anyway to get this to work on mobile? Im on my phone, iPhone, and neither video will load.

you a brave man - I hope Luis Gomez does not hurt you bad

Found a Russian spy that has been influencing this place lately.

Thank you.

matt how would you like your blowjob?

Nigga hows this torrent 2GB? Public Relations Rattlesnake shooting in 4k?

These thieving uploaders are great but they really need to learn the art of reencoding and providing audio only versions.

there are many of us 'thieving uploaders' that do compress them and offer mp3s. You just need to know where to look :)

You could have used that time and energy to just tell me and everyone else.

Its not that I dont know how, I assumed everyone would prefer the video though

Doesn't have to be either/or. But this is all kinda moot, the Legion of Skanks are terrible and none of us should ever be providing them an audience, paying or not.

That said, I thank you for your service. Anything I upload gets hundreds of downloads and very few thanks, so I would hate to be one of those pricks.

It's taking me fuckin hours to watch cuz it's constantly buffering.. anyone else having issues?

Apparently the torrent is pretty quick if you have the space to save it

Don't tell Luis about this or you'll be a "Puerto Rican Rattlesnake" haha : )

The Puerto Rican Tattlesnake.

Ctrl f'd "laugh" in this tread and was surprised at the 0 results. WORST LAUGH EVER jesus fucking christ. Makes Pete Holmes' laugh sound so soothing.

i fucking hate stavros

More like Stavros Halkitosis


The torrent is moving pretty fast for me. 10 minutes as opposed to 2-3 hours direct download.

torrent got a niggas throughput maxed out right now.. direct dl is for r-word n-words

how long do you think luis had that 'bite your own hand' comment in the barrel?

i had to tap out of this 15 minutes in. stavros laugh is unbearable.

Everybody always says this about Stavros but it has never bothered me for one second.

Stavvy is the man.

Anyone who thinks Mullen isn't funny is a faggot.

And he's hot aF 😍 and funny and cute too

Thank you

This was such a good episode man. Great guests and high energy throughout the whole thing.

I'm 45 minutes in, this shit is solid.

I wonder how much rum is in that coke Anthony is drinking.

This reminded me how funny Ant can be when he's just talking shit and not trying to host a show with terrible callers

Nice, thanks!

machine gun stavros ehehehehehe shutup

Thanks twinks, this great. Ant is always great on LOS and the Cumboys killin it as usual.