Y'know guys, with the whole internet all heated over those black kids torturing a mentally retarded white man it would be awful if the cake-stomp video got thrown into this mess somehow...

70  2017-01-05 by Joey_Cusack

... I mean a rich white man abusing a retarded homeless man of color for entertainment, it's just "bad optics" as they say in the biz. Where was the outrage from all the white people then, eh?


Where was the outrage?

you new here nigga ?

... it's one of the things that n-people will say on twitter if it takes off, making Opie's life just a little more miserable.

oh you smaa't nigga

Been there. Done that.

Is Opie still employed? Would this make his life more difficult if there was a new outrage stirred up over this?

Hey /u/cbanks420lol, any chance you could get the ball rolling on this? I see the original video has been taken down because it violated Youtubes bullying rules.

Do it yourself faggot. Banks only does original shit, not rehashing bits from 2 years ago.


There's no point to do this anymore, Opie is a fucking nothing. It was only funny because he was getting fucked with. Now it's just giving a nothing a chance to be in the news again.

Just let him die a lonely isolated death.

opie got a pass because of the whole transgender thing

Was homless charlie black? Has anyone tried advertising it as "rich whit man abuses down on luck black war veteran"?




Or a Tunisian vampire assaulting a retarded man and spraying windex in his face

And give Opie more clicks?