The problem with the country today is that you aren't allowed to beat the shit out of your children

0  2017-01-05 by UnwarrantedArrogance

Because of the "everyone gets a trophy" mentality of today's pussies, you aren't allowed to beat kids to show them that if someone is doing something you don't like you need to assault them.


Very eloquent

You sound like a black comic from the 90's


"I take care of my kids!"

"Whatcha want a cookie?"

My man laughin' cause he know!

The Blacks are still beating their children - it obviously does not produce results.

It needs to work in conjunction with some sort of skill based learning. Like how the asians beat their children to make them freakishly good at math or music. When you just beat kids for the fun of it you basically create a generation of dindu's.

I knew there was a catch somewhere.

If you think about it

Did you accidentally post this here instead of r/ thedonald?


Some studies suggest that the overall downward trend in violent crime since the 1980's is tied to legal abortion and the reduction in domestic corporal punishment.

"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" is dumb and it isn't true. That quote was invented by people who hate hard working Americans like me and mine.

"I was hit when I was a kid, and I turned out fine."

No you're not. You're a mess and the world is in horrible shape.

Quite frankly I find all the political/social discussion on this subreddit to be bleating and boorish

If you are black you can do whatever you want and get probation.

The problem with this country is that we don't get to beat dopes like you when you say stupid shit.

If you got regular exercise you wouldn't have bottled up rage. Just get your heart rate up a few times a week, I mean from something physical, not just going to Jezebel and cursing at what you read on there.

If you got regular exercise you wouldn't have bottled up rage. Just get your heart rate up a few times a week, I mean from something physical, not just going to Jezebel and cursing at what you read on there.