I swear I heard "fuck white people". Guess I'm wrong.

109  2017-01-05 by [deleted]


Fake news

I'm glad we still have the real news

I prefer Weird Neeeews!

Why can't I find anything related to this story on CNN?

You know why.

literally the top story on cnn.com

...for AT LEAST the last 10 hours.

Shh you'll break up the "media covering it up" circlejerk

good god i cant believe what the fucking media will do to protect the savagery of niggers.

lol, so torturing someone because he's retarded is somehow less savage than doing it because he's white?

You can only tell he's retarded because he's white.

He probably has the same IQ as the attackers.

Seeing as how he is not doing shit like they did, I would say his is even a little higher.

it's not about less or more, it's about if the roles were reversed it would be a hate crime because clearly race did matter in this case. Ignoring it and excusing it is wrong.


Because slavery

Kikes make too much money off their pet niggers, hence the overprotection.

It's not a matter of making money. The Jews actively deploy black Culture as a weapon against white society, in an attempt to bastardise white traditions and culture.

Jews and blacks aren't harming whites incidentally, as a means to some other end. Harming whites is the objective, in and of itself.

sounds a little elders of zion-y there champ

This happened in Chicago. Here is the real elders of zion-y shit

The Jew mayor of Chicago's father was a member of Irgun. A Jewish terrorist group reponsible for the King David Hotel Bombing against the British in Palestine.

Here is the Mayor saying Chicago will always be a "sancuary city" for illegal immigrants

I wonder how he would feel about Jerusalem being a "sancuary city". LOL

it is, for jews. he's just saying that about chicago because that's what you need to say, doesn't mean he won't buckshot the first brown person that unexpectedly enters his property. it's chiceego, ground zero for political hypocrisy.

whaddam I writing an essay? jesus.

It's obvious the media has been, and will continue to stoke the flames of racial and ethnic tensions throughout the western world. It's also becoming obvious whites are increasingly being provoked and baited. They're really poking a fucking hornet's nest with this shit.

How funny would it be if we just deported all these thugs back to their homeland. We'll keep the Ben Carsons, send the Slim Thugs to the Congo

It'd be funnier to exile members of the race-baiting media and Stockholm Syndrome inflicted white race-traitors to Liberia.


I realize it's easy to blame the media, but that says the police came to that conclusion. Read, stupid.


The most annoying part when shit like this happens, is not how the media handles it.

It's how every cunt online with a persecution complex will bitch about "THE MEDIA IS COVERING IT UP" or "WHITE PEOPLE ARE OPPRESSED"

Shut the fuck up.


No you got it wrong man. Just go to Joe Cumias Facebook page, he fucking gets it.

When I first heard a retard was thrown into the back of a van and beaten up, I thought it was you.

When I first heard a retard was thrown into the back of a van and bashed, I assumed it was you.

Sorry? What was that? You cut out there for a sec


No they don't.

you're right, I don't know what possessed me

Unless your pregnant with one

Yes, "your"

This is a post-you're world

WE are the world. And fuck whitey

By Chicago PD standards I guess Dylann Roof killing all those black people in the church wasn't a hate crime either. He was just a teen being a teen, acting out a little, not being racist.

He targeted their religion, not their race. He wuz a gud boy

He was just a kid, a scared dumb kid. It shouldnt ruin his life.

Youthful indiscretion I say.

Was that his name? It's fucking idiotic. Between that and his Pete Rose bowlcut it's no wonder he became a spreekiller. I say he gets a pass.

You havent heard? Pete rose bowl cuts are in again. "School shooter chik" is very hot right now

Dylan Roof was just a troubled young man with a lot of anger, who knows if it was race based or if it was something else and he was just saying shit cause he was mad.

Well of course that's what those left wing feel-good blogger cunts are gonna s... Oh, wait, that's the associated press quoting the Chicago police? Yeah that's fucked up. To be honest, if the police came out and called this a hate crime that will just piss off the unruly savages, who are shooting at them every day as it is, even more. This is a PR disaster for a city that with an already sullied name.

Well, that, and they don't wanna piss off all those thug over sensitive half retarded whites that are constantly protesting and always looking to start rioting..........oh wait, nevermind they don't ever do that.... They have jobs to get to.

I didn't go on the internet at all yesterday, and this apparently huge thing didn't effect my life one bit. It was fantastic.

If you're out there walking around not visibly tense with loathing, it loosens your butthole so retards and niggers and faggots can just slip right on in there. Thanks but no thanks, pal.


Also i heard "cracker", unless that is now a new slang for retard. Also i think i heard them refer to each other as "nigguuh", and i believe that is a correct description.

Who gives a shit? I hope everyone kills each other starting with you faggots from /r/TheDonald who keep bringing your political horseshit to our sacred sub devoted to bashing washed up shock jocks.

This sub has turned into post Obama election Anthony Cumia.


I heard OP was retarded and got kidnapped by some back alley Tunisian knife fighter who made him post this


Goddamn, Chicago PD is completely pozzed.


Oh thank goodness. And here I was thinking it was something horrible.

What's funny is that doing it because he's retarded is still a hate crime

Prosecutor will call it a hate crime regardless. It's actually worse targeting him for being a waterhead.

It's a fight, it's a fight, it's a nigger and a paint drinker.

So attacking someone with special needs because they are special needs isnt a hate crime?

Police made this statement, not the media. Police also currently interviewing the suspects so you know, have info.

I hope Bonnie's sister doesn't live in Chicago

If it's any consolation, these people will be in jail for most of their lives regardless what happens in this case.

You heard no such thing, young man! Now delete this!

It should have been Bobo

'Victim' in facebook assualt reported to provoked the incident by reportedly saying 'lay off spade'.

They're charging them with Hate Crimes. Race War averted gang.

Lol isnt targeting him for his special needs worse that targeting him because of his race. "Lets just fuck up the weakest person we can find"

Has brother joe commented on this yet?

fuck white people

He probably has the same IQ as the attackers.
