Kuck Metzger Went on a global warming tirade and bravely spoke for many other left wing causes like obamacare and how wrong it is if it is repealed, maaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn.

0  2017-01-05 by MarcMaronsDumbFace


its not the cocaine and loneliness he's just really passionate about the upcoming Paris climate summit



He's a civilian now, let him talk.Where's he at with Guam?

Youre an unironic proud boy AND you think global warming is a hoax? How retarded can one man get?.

There is no proof of AGW you scared little faggot. Manbearpig is not fucking real.

The planet warms, thats natural. The planet cools, thats natural. There is no proof whatsoever humans are causing a manbearpig creature to heat the planet so much it will destroy everything. It's fucking funny you retards brag about being stupid.

What exactly do you think global warming will causes? There has been doomsday predictions for the past 50 years, and every time it's proven wrong.

Seriously what do you think will happen? Florida will sink? California will blow up? All crops with wither and die? You really believe that? HA!!

almost universal scientific consensus isnt enough for you? you dont remember there being a hole in the ozone layer or was that just some freak accident caused by sjws and leftists?


You're welcome.