I have a great line about the BLM kidnapping

86  2017-01-05 by leroidianhaus

Hold on hold on, feedback is updating too fast


you re-created that same awful feeling perfectly. Bravo

"Ah I see it. Phil from Kentucky writes... man Phil is a regular, good guy, free pie at FH Rileys for you Phil. Anyway Ant, he writes <insert nonsensical joke>... [queue Ant fake laughter and silence from Jim] Vurrry good Phil. Anyway, back to the story, so these kids kidnapped a guy..."

This shit right here. I am done listening to O&A, once certain things have been brought to attention I cannot suspend disbelief as to how terrible Opie is. It was tolerable back then.

<insert nonsensical joke>

I swear he must have done it out of spite, because some of the feedback he read was 'that's what she said!'-grade humor.

Where we at with scalping retards?

behind on schedule

Its making a comeback. Finally

not as effective as throwing them off cliffs as babies

It's only considered a kidnapping because the victim had the acumen of a 6 year old.

" Hold on hold on. I think we have a bit here. Alright call in if you've been kidnapped by a black guy. We got leroidianhaus from Los Angeles on the phone. Hey leroidianhaus, how's the Lakers, Dodgers, Rams, Clippers season going?"

"Uh, The Lakers are doing-" "I gotta tell you, I GOTTA TELL YOU, I've always considered the Lakers to be my West Coast team. When I'm out there, I always cheer for 'em."

"But they gotta get their shit together. Last year, they won the championship back when they got their shit together but right now they got to get their shit back together. I keep telling you man."

"Man, this is great. We gotta start talking more sports on the show."

Its spinning like a slot machine!!

20 minutes later

we have dickfart the trucker on the line

'hey opie you had a great line that everybody missed' 'thanks i get one in once in a while'

And panicky Jim shows up. "We heard it. There was just so much going on right then."