Democratic Strategist Not Sure Chicago Torture Video Constitutes a Hate Crime

44  2017-01-05 by crookedmile


Symone Sanders is a 27 year old mentally ill moron.

In that entire crowd I spotted one yellow face and one that's kind of khaki, but these are the people that tell you how awesome diversity is and how great black people are. Really, why don't you hang out with them more often? Not that one token black guy who's into sci-fi and works in IT, real black people.

well it's difficult to get prison visitors passes if you're not a relative

You mean the ones in ghettos with high levels of lead in their water? Yeah, those people.

only the leaders on stage need be "diverse." it's just a bunch of white people that feel like they shouldn't be in charge, that their voices shouldn't be heard in "PoC spaces" and that white people need to take a step back.

they love being underrepresented in all things.

She's a great person.

She looks like that wheelchair niglet from Malcolm in the Middle.

It's ok, nobody will fuck that piggish ape and she will die alone childless and miserable at age 54 of heart disease, like most niggers

Not surprising. Not only do hate crimes against white people not exist, but white people also have no idea what it's like to be poor.


I'm also 27, mentally ill, a moron, and it also took me 5 years to get my bachelors in 2013.

Maybe I can be the press secretary for Corey Booker


Fucking cunt

Maybe because that special needs white boy didn't check all of his privilege when they was cuttin him.

Motherfuckin Cracka's gone Cracka!

I can understand why he sees racism everywhere because when he looks in the mirror he sees a racist caricature of a black man.

meh ... pretty standard leftist view is that only whites can commit "biased crimes" or "hate crimes" ... from day one this is what the laws were intended for, to single out one particular race that deserves extra punishment based on race and not the act of crime

Look, it learned how to talk!

It's impressive that she can work in politics while still being on SNL.

Wrong gorilla dude

Just thank God they didn't catch him in a bowling alley.

Linger longer!

People were ripping on Don Lemon for saying they are not evil, but actually here his comment completely eliminates that woman's despicable apology. I think he was right, not evil, just brought up with unbelievably shit non-parenting in a "community" that is completely anarchic. Tits.

Just punch her in the mouth, then her shorts fall to her ankles, and then keep punching the bandage on her stomach with body blows until she goes down. She will be out for the count.

Holy shit a King Hippo reference nice.

Hollywood elite comment. ....

I love how this random nignog suddenly represents everyone who has ever had a liberal thought in the world, yet the other side have people from the kkk, mass murderers, creationists and anti-science people supporting them...yet that side seems to flip out a bit when you lump them into the same category.

weird how that thought process doesn't work the other way. almost entitled, some might say.

Who's saying she represents anyone but herself?


MSNBC supposedly haven't mentioned the story once.

I'm sure under 10% of their 600k viewers doesn't use social media.

I understand her (half a) family probably didn't have the means to take her to the orthodontist as a child, but if she's gonna be on tv, she's gotta fix those choppers.

$50 says she wasn't wearing shoes during this segment.

The argument for liberalism as a mental disease really is growing into a near scientific fact at this point. It must be at least more verifiable than global warming.