Race war when, fam?

131  2017-01-04 by KrazyGunGuy


Who he? Wha he do?

He a wite boy. Get im. Need to teech him som mannerz.


He wuz racist. They wuz jus showin him dey culture. Need mo money fo dem programs.

I remember Ant - just before he got fired - covering a story of a flash mob beating and in the middle of it one of the thugs sees a purse on the ground and yells out, "WHO BAG?!" Ant about lost his mind. "Are you asking 'who's bag is this?' IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO FUCKING SAY?"

i could only understand about 1/3 of what that sheboon was ooking and eeking

Fuck you guys, Ant is still hilarious sometimes.

Whose, you retard nigger.


I tried finding the audio on youtube, can't find it, sorry fam

Who dis is?


That worked. I hate black people now.

Just now?


honestly same

Somebody's late to the party.

Don't be stupid, be a smarty!

Come and join the Nazi Party!

I was born in Düsseldorf and that is why they call me Rolf!

These are shit people. Black or white, these guys are idiots and attention seeking whores for live streaming this

No, not "black or white," BLACK. Whites aren't 12% of the population, but commit 50% of all murders. Whites aren't ten times more likely to commit a crime against a black as a black is against a white.


No, most black murders are against other blacks, but continue to victimize yourself.

Learn to fucking read. Whites are TEN TIMES more likely to be victimized by blacks than blacks are to be victimized by whites. I didn't say anything about intra-race crime.

Whites aren't 12% of the population, but commit 50% of all murders

Most murders by blacks are against other blacks.

What's your point? Are you claiming that if a black kills another black, there isn't a massive tax on society? On the criminal justice system? On the judicial system? Regardless of who they commit their criminality against, they are a MASSIVE drain, both socially and economically.

There's no way to spin the stats - they are "black and white," and what they say are that there is something inherently different about blacks than all the other races, and whatever that is (genetics - another one of those inconvenient truths your subjective, parroted excuses has no effect on), it makes them incapable of being productive members of a civilized society, and extremely unpleasant to be around.

Fair enough

You sir, are a gentleman. Up vote for you.

I can take the racism but i draw the line at faggy reddit speak

I respect that.

We did ti reddit

All Lives Matter

To be honest, when I first heard a retard was thrown into the back of a van and tortured, I assumed it was you.

"now"...no ones buying it mate

You mest be on CPT?

Being a black person himself, I'm unsure where Anthony's allegiance lies. Will he lead us grunts on the front lines or will we be taking up arms against him?

It's strange how the mulatto hates the society that made him possible. Poor Anthony.

No, varying degrees of self hatred and the accompanying mental illness is its something all us half breeds share. Hey Mariah :)

Mariah is quadroon. That's where her unwarranted arrogance comes from.

Why aren't they raping him?

They aren't people.

He must of provoked them into doing this. Shame on him.

u/aprosbro --"He has benefited from a systematic racist country so this isnt as bad as the oppression these black people face everyday"

All other people -- "racism is racism"

we're getting fucking meta!

Fawk yeah heavy meta!! Dvv dvv

This is the community I organized.

This isn't going to end well for black people or liberals.

I don't understand how these people weren't genocided after their god given purpose was made illegal

I actually want to thank all that black people have contributed to America. If their purpose would've ended after slavery you'd have missed out on hundreds of hours of fantastic episodes of the first 48. Where blacks run around murdering one another for no reason what so ever.



Don't forget about the wire

Shit was so cash.

Also peanut butter

Actually peanut butter dates back to Aztec times. George Washington Carver didn't invent it. He just stole the idea.

George Washington Carver didn't invent it. He just stole the idea.


jazz is illegal?

Jazz promotes drug use among negroes

I didn't get heavy into drugs until I started playing jazz but I'm not a negroid

I don't think that needs promotion

It's not illegal to serve rich white men with cuckold fetishes by fucking their wife.

That's called rape in civilized societies

The horrifying thing is this won't make the news. They'll bury it. Think about that.

It's on the Chicago affiliate fox website (4 suspects in custody, victim in hospital), that's the only place i've seen it. If the races were reversed it would be EVERYwhere, and metropolitan areas would already be on fire.

But of course in the Daily News there was absolutely no mention of race or one of the perps saying "Fuck white people".

No, of course not. This is 100% indisputably racially motivated. In any of the numerous white cop shooting black suspect videos did ANY of them have the cops saying "Take that nigger"? I never heard that once, we could speculate what a couple them might have been thinking, but those videos are all instantly "Racist white cop kill innocent black teen"

I think it was just an elaborate cucking.

In any of the numerous white cop shooting black suspect videos did ANY of them have the cops saying "Take that nigger"?

well no but let's be honest, that would be hilarious

Hannity is probably jerking off all over himself right now thinking about the week of outrage porn he's going to get out of it.

He's the only one that reports it

Tucker reported it tonight.

Tucker Carlson is going to bring on some retard to defend it while he makes bewilderingly stunned faces at them.

Oh God I hope so.

we all know someone as dumb as that exists, all that matters is how thorough Tucker's minions scour the web for someone with blog or twitter activist so they can claim that as the guest's ethos of being invited on.

The formula is so simple but I love it.

this can't be real life.

Hmm... I wonder (((who))) could be behind that?

Wouldn't you like to nose?

hes right on the money


And I know it's cliche but oh holy shit if you reversed the races. There would be literally no escaping it. All over the MSM and social media, Obama would make a statement and I wouldn't be surprised if riots happened.


Obama has to go to Chicago next week. 700 murders in the city and now this video. Have fun Barry.

This is perfect timing. Here's hoping Trump is who the media pretended he was so he can ethnically cleanse these cretins.

Riots would have already started, and tomorrow Obama and Lynch would announce a federal hate crime investigation.

Why would I make a statement on this? It's just some unruly teens.

I'm not sure that this will be the case here. I mean, I'm 95% positive they won't talk about race, but it's trending #1 on the front page with 10k+ comments so it's bound to make national news.


Well, it got picked up by NYT, TMZ and BuzzFeed. I'd say that's pretty mainstream coverage.

Compared to how much media time this would get off the races were reversed, it won't even be close

It was covered on every news show on every major cable news channel, it's all over every social media platform (including in FB news stories) and it's currently the top item of Google news.

I'm not saying there aren't certain double standards, but it's okay to say "hmm, guess I was wrong" once in awhile.

Ferguson,trayvon, Mike Brown got weeks/months of attention. If this story is still talked about next month i will eat crow.

True, but a lot of that was because there were continuous events related to it: protests, riots, trials, grand jury review, etc. If people are out protesting/rioting over this and it reaches the size of the BLM-related protests, the news will cover it. So far I haven't seen anything like that (it is early, though). If the teens are acquitted or something else of note happens in the judicial process, we'll be hearing all about it.

And the news from Ferguson was because of the shooting of Mike Brown. You can't count that twice.

If that was 3 white people on a black kid, cities would burn down

For some reason, whites love to be abused, otherwise why do we tolerate these 85-IQ subspecies doing these things to us? Why do we tolerate their criminality, their stupidity, their shiftlessness? White America must love it, because if whites didn't, you'd think we'd have risen up and done something by now.

That is, unless most of us have been programmed by the (((MSM))) and (((public education))).

That's why the term "cuck" is so appropriate. It's way over used and has become a meme now, but it works so well for these shitty people that ignore actual race relations unless its their race that looks bad.

It's one thing to be a cuck, it's another to be a coward. Unfortunately, that's what most white people are. I don't blame them - there is an entire police-political complex dedicated to crushing anyone who dares defend himself. I'm as guilty as the next guy. But there must be a breaking point somewhere; I don't know where it is, and I suspect (((they))) profit in the delicate balance between it, but it has to exist.

I'm really holding on to hope that most people are waiting for January 20th so king nigger is out of the way and can't use something like this as another tool to hold onto office.

Shit I'm already packed and ready for Hawaii nigga

It's nice here

Why are white people cowards? When are blacks not punished for their crimes (if caught)?


Obviously it won't be tolerated. These fucks are all going to prison for a long time. What are the chances that the ugly cigar smoking wretch isn't going to rat out EVERYBODY the second the cops put an ounce of pressure on her?

"Obviously it won't be tolerated. These fucks are all going to prison for a long time."

Oh yeah? Per Chicago Police Department Commander Kevin Duffin:

"Although they are adults, they're 18. Kids make stupid decisions -- I shouldn't call them kids, they're legally adults, but they're young adults and they make stupid decisions."

That sounded a lot like, "de dindu nuffins" to me.

Is that seriously a real quote? Is the commander referring to this incident?

Real quote, straight from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/04/us/chicago-facebook-live-beating/index.html

Quote's in the 10th paragraph.

It's true. Just another story of youths running amok that'll be swept under the rug. Social media is blowing up and hardly any MSM is talking about it other than a few small conservative and local news sites.

It's on every major news station actually

Like I said social media was going nuts and now it's appearing. It'll still the Opie treatment in a matter of days.

I saw it on CNN an hour before you posted it wasn't on any major new source.


So you're wrong


It's national news and they were charged with hate crimes,but keep playing victim.

The cops were saying "boys will be boys" before the internet caused such a massive shitstorm in very short time.

That's why people hate cops - they're violent and stupid.

Exact quote from the Chicago chief of police tonight.

They'll be tried. America is great at locking up blacks. Blacks in prisons and jails is almost double whites and mexicans combined.

Is America great at locking up blacks or are blacks just rampantly committing crimes where the punishment is to be locked up?

A huge amount of them are in there just for possessing marijuana. Sounds like America is great at locking up blacks to me.

you'd think we'd have risen up and done something about it long ago.

Well, go on. Pitch your plan.

As much as I hate to add myself to this cacophany, subspecies is an unfounded designation.

Can you at least consider any wide-scale sociological issues at play in your arguments here, before reaching the conclusion that white and blacks are behaviorally different due to genetics.

I don't think white people as a whole love it(obviously the self-hating MSM creeps do), I think it's like a retarded kid who's being taunted and he doesn't realize it yet. As soon as he realizes it though, better watch out for that retard strength.

Cool toilet brittany- want to bring it to the White House?

We understand.

Dassabesso jus kidnappin' and torturin'

And fuckin....

Can we get a welfare check on Bobo?


I'm alive awrite

identity politics caused this

This is THE DIRECT RESULT of BLM. i dare you to argue against that.

I saw your previous post. Like it or not, identity politics is always going to rear it's head in a multi/ethic-cultural society. It's absolutely inevitable. Too many hands in the honey-pot.

suppress the commies, that'll tamp it down a bit. Cut the federal funding for social justice poison classes in universities. Thats the cause of people feeling morally justified in hurting people based on their skin color

This isn't the place for debate. Let's keep it lively. I'd just throw the commies and university professors out of a fucking helicopter, tbh. No place in a healthy society.

Adios, mi general

When you don't see a set of footprints, it was then that I gave you a helicopter ride.

Jesus grandpa, do a little critical thinking. Do the shit-heads in that video really look like the kind who just got out of an anthropology class at the local college?

No, but the brainwashed whites that make excuses for them do.

You think they beat him up over a sandwich?

When I watch this video, I can't help thinking these young African Americans are behaving poorly.


Call me old-fashioned, but I would have to say that these young people may have a discipline problem.

I think they deserve a stern talkin' to.

Stern talking what are they going to steal the show tss tss robin.

Hoo Hoo! I invented getting beat up by black people. Back in high school at Roosevelt, Robin. Tell em Fred!

they might need to be corrected.. if I may be so bold

Perhaps a swift pop on the bottom with an open hand?

It had a straight six, Howard, that thing was bullet proof.

Jesus, dude.

I think you might be on to something here.

Call me old fashioned but I think a lynchin is a brewin.



if the world were just and/or hilarious

I think I read that he's retarded


Almost no news coverage and they have the balls to tell us about fake news.

Is that orange soda she's drinking?

The fuck else would it be?

purple drink?

purple drank?


It ain't summer yo

Okay Opie



Probably my favorite

Imagine if empathy was taught in the hood.

Empathy? She a hoe.

I wish all those black kids would be assassinated one by one. With everyone becoming slightly crazier knowing they could be next.

Not assassinated.. just Fkn killed. You have to have some importance to be assassinated.

You're right, it pissed me off so much to see this.

I firmly believe any real race war will end with like 5 90 year old white dudes in a bunker somewhere while the world burns in nuclear fire.

Sounds like the ideal outcome

well, at least they know the stupid bitches name now...

niggs gonna nigg


He was mentally retarded as well.
How fun.

I knew this hard-on was here for a reason

We're talking about a news story here not Bobo. Stay on topic.

We need Bobo audio sync'd to this


help im being beligered!

Just when I think Ant is washed up, niggers pull something like this and make me want to sub just to hear the rant.

Instances like this are what make the channel worth it. Like the Iraq war for CNN or approaching hurricanes for the weather channel.

Yes, I wonder what his opinion on this is...

I'm sure it's very reasoned and balanced...and doesn't include the word "savage" 43 times.

I think that kid officially has license to say "nigger" for the rest of his life without any consequence.

I wasn't kidnapped, beaten and tortured and I have that license.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

woah save some for the rest of us there pal

He's special needs, so he probably would have gotten away with it anyway. Waste of a hall pass really.

he's hotter than those hood girls


This sort of emotional horseshit is so fucking grating. Just back and forth with the same old manipulation, and fuckers fall for it every time.

I don't mean to excuse or play devil's advocate to justify the behavior in the video. It's shitty, and the mainstream media are a bunch of pussies who won't report on it because it fits their "narrative". And yes, if a bunch of white kids tied up and beat up a black guy while screaming "fuck Obama", it would fit their narrative and they'd report on it more.

But all this does is fucking rile up right-wingers to say and post the kind of things people are saying in this thread and others - "I hate black people now", "they aren't people", "they should have been genocided when slavery was abolished", etc. Not just fucking here, but on the_donald, in the youtube comments, in the foxnews comments section, everywhere. Which then further extends the "Trump Supporters = Racist shitheads" stereotype.

And what is the end result of that, exactly? So the fucking left can screenshot and post all the white men saying racist things about black people, and report back to their side about all the Trump Racists that suddenly feel empowered to talk about how much they hate minorities. See, they say things like "I hate black people now", "they aren't people", "they should have been genocided when slavery was abolished".

What happens next? More black people, Muslims, and other minorities read their left-leaning bullshit about all the racist white people going after them, and get angrier. Angrier at Trump, angrier at "white people", and then shitty people do more things like this that get recorded, and we're right back to square fucking one.

And that's the fucking choice that modern politics asks me to make. Stand with the left and embrace SJW bullshit, don't second guess their liberal narrative. Or stand with the right and embrace Alt-Right bullshit, don't second guess their conservative narrative. Hate the people we instruct you to hate, see look at how evil they all are. Don't be simply mad at these shitty people for doing a shitty thing, society needs to be changed so now that I've whipped you into a frenzy please sign this petition. Like the fucking commercials that's 90 seconds nonstop of freezing cold puppies to get you to donate to their charity. I know your endgame and it pisses me off when seemingly everyone else is happy to go along with the manipulation.

Turn the phone sideways you stupid bitch. Not one of them ever turn the phone sideways.


don't worry fellas its Cbanks to the rescue

Fucking niggers

Ep1 of Black Mirror. The name of the show takes on a whole new connotation.

https://twitter.com/The_NewRight/status/816814532085616640 - updated video (behind the scene edition)

Sweet the directors cut is out already!

I've seen enough. Hang em high.

I'll bite the extra bone in their finger. Wide nose stealing all the taxpayer's air.

I never thought the race war would begin in January. It's supposed to be a summer sport.

I've been listening to it in the background for a while ... did someone actually just plug their mixtape?

That would be tremendous.

"Ayo, all you niggaz into makin tards drink out of toilets hit me up on Soundcloud!"

There was a video of a bunch of Bloods talking to Soulja Boy and the one dude was saying how Soulja never comes to the hood and within 15 seconds they were all showing their guns, giving shutouts to their friends, plugging their mixtapes; it's like any time you put a camera in front of more than 3 black people it turns into this fucking cacophony of retarded nonsense.

How the hell did no one get shot???????

Haven't you been listening to Ant? Chicago is a gun free city.

Why can't they behave?

I mean this is bad but it's not as bad as being called a cuck just ask Kumail.

I just friend requested Britany Herring on Facebook

She might not get back to you right away. I went to jail for 6 months, had a couple hundred notifications when I got out. I imagine her phone has dinged a few times this evening in her "personal property" bag at the intake area of the county jail.

Is this sub a club for people who like going to jail?

Seems like every few months there's a "So, I'm going to jail" thread. Mods should sticky a how -to survive in the joint thread

Mix Kool aid powder and vaseline. Jerry rig a little lip shade for your plump lil' dsl's

I'm going against the grain and sucking every dick I possibly can as soon as I get there.

yeah lots of registered sex offenders

Well, it's definitely not for functioning members of society, I'll tell you that much!

But I'm getting my shit together this year, I swear!

I would like to see what percentage of this place are responsible people with decent jobs.

I bet some are even elementary school teachers....


Im sure it's just a bunch of her friends sending her positive well wishes

Fun fact: the witeboy in the video is a puddin'-head.

These savages couldn't even pick on a person capable of defending themselves.


Anyone remember the Fat Nick case in Howard Beach? The guy who beat up that black guy who had gone into Ginnieland to steal cars, called him a "nigger" while he was doing it and got jailed for a hate crime?

Who's up for a bet this one doesn't end up being a "hate crime"?

If they were white, they wouldn't have live streamed it. Stupid monkeys.

It's called agency. Only an r-type savage could be this dumb.

Idk what any of that means but I agree I think.

It's called r-type / k-type selection theory. Basically most blacks fall into the r-type (who are basically worthless leeches). http://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/the-theory/rk-selection-theory/

R-type? K-type? Who ever made that theory was a F-type.

I know. Not the most memorable/fun phrases.

k-type is obviously better for society, but who doesn't love random fucking?

This shit is what makes people start getting into guy like Colin Flaherty. I had to stop watching his videos because they were making me genuinely racist

I've seen your name on the Twitter before. Embrace the hate. Join the dark side. DarthVader.pic

Isn't his videos just pretty much sharing videos he finds online though?

Yeah he isn't racist himself, it's just constant videos like this. Like 5 everyday

I'm glad this bitchs sister has a concious though

I found a picture of the one assailant they're showing on the news Her grandmother Tobara Rutherford told reporters her granddaughter was a "great student" that acted like a “stupid kid” with nothing else to do, adding that it was “just fun and games.” "Stupid. Silly ignorant. Goofy. Everybody is upset. The whole family is upset" Rutherford said.

If there's one word to report on this fucking horrific piece of footage.. It'd be 'goofy'. Fuck these animals. Seriously.

Any time I hear about an older black lady or gentleman rationalizing black on white racism like this I can't help but imagine they look like the guy on the front of the Cream of Wheat box

Beat the shit out of grandma too.

I lied, I don't really smoke with cigarettes.

He a gud boy waz goin ta church turnin his life aroun n sheeeeit

Did they interview his father?

His grandmother

What's she, about 36?

Don't let this one incident validate your prejudices, gang.

Go away, Colin. We don't need another one of your enlightened anecdotes.

If only the schools had more money to teach them its wrong to kidnap, especially the Mentally handicapped. Damn republicans curing funding!

Now guyyys, we don't know all the facts yet.

How many you know who's does it take to kidnap a handicabable human? It writes itself

Can we blame Sherrod for this? Cbanks, where you at

Obama, comment?

"If I had a son he would be doin nigger shit like this"

Kids be kids

I'm sure Anthony will have a level headed and well measured opinion regarding this story.

Caring about what dumbass Ant says about this as soon as it happens is the same as people who decry Islamophobia like minutes after a gay night club is shot up.

Yes. Making fun of a washed up radio host is quite similar to being a leftist now that you mention it.

My comment was retarded and ill-thought, completely out of line with the rest of the stuff here. I apologize.

There we have it, goys. The video is down due to spam or whatever. Black racism doesn't real, apparently.

They should have killed him.

Don't cut yourself on that edge.

tss fuckin killed him with kindness cock sucka


This shit will continue until we get a movement going


How about the Proud Boys, right gang?

They put one of ours in the hospital, we put one of theirs in the morgue!

"Statistics" - Anthony Cumia (http://i.imgur.com/l6hn7B2.jpg)

her facebook is completely open so anyone can just comment on anything she's ever posted, and holy shit is her page blowing up and fucking hilarious right now.

aaaaaaaaand it's gone.


This is fake. Amateur black rappers always make fake videos like this. I've seen ones where they "catch" an older guy messaging their young sister on Facebook and then "beat him up".

You're a retard.

To be honest, when I first heard a retard was thrown into the back of a van and tortured, I assumed it was you.

And people bitch about Anthony's racism...

No people bitch that his racism is boring and unfunny

And every time something like this appears in the news, Ant loses a considerable percentage of his funny.

Nobody is impressed by a uncle Tom

I'm sick and fucking tired of these niggers. There are plenty of mirrors on youtube of the video if you haven't seen it. Where are the American men to stand up and put an end to this shit? Jan 20th and if this stuff is still happening then start doing something about it.

are you willing to suicide bomb a lee's chicken when the next season of game of thrones is so close?

The anglos, germans, and nords are too cucked to do anything about it. We need the untermensch to rise up for the white man

Looking at you, Irish, Italians, and Poles

Oh now you want our help, couldn't do it by yourselves the first time around? Now you want the niggers of the white-race to pitch in?

I would like to rape that black girl.

The media is absolutely salivating for and actively fomenting a race war in this country. It's like their moon mission. I hope it happens, and the first act of violence is "burn down CNN headquarters."

Now on BBC, Al jazeera and RT. Life has become such a parody of itself that the OandA subreddit breaks news before multi- billion dollar organisations. Folks whom employ scores of 'qualified' newsmen get beaten to the punch by cbanks420; at what point in time do we kill ourselves?

Haha I loved that video!

I still prefer Hat Removal Service.


You ppl call them names yet never bring up how its on an official report that white supremacist groups infiltrated the police forces for the last decade yet they are the problem right? Do you faggot type with your white hoods on or are u at least courteous enough to take those off before you start your white supremacist hatred

No. Halloween is the only time of year when I can wear my white sheets and not be harassed by busybodies like yourself.

Shut up, nigger.

Black people would be scientists, academics, pioneers of discovery, champions of the human endeavor if it wasn't for de white man. Just look at Africa; the pinnacle of civilization. A utopia of thought and achievement. Curse the white man for holding these little sweet, gentle angels back!

Lol. 'Murica

They had it as one of the lead stories on CBS Today Show, watched the full hour, no mention of the story outside of the stinger up front. They just ditched out.

While I do agree that marijuana should be decriminalized, if you do it knowing you could be potentially locked up, it's still your own fault when you get caught. Hopefully these laws will be changed very soon though.

Race war?

What does race have to do with the actions of these unruly teens?

Empathy? She a hoe.

Actually peanut butter dates back to Aztec times. George Washington Carver didn't invent it. He just stole the idea.


Idk what any of that means but I agree I think.

Is this sub a club for people who like going to jail?

Mix Kool aid powder and vaseline. Jerry rig a little lip shade for your plump lil' dsl's


I'm going against the grain and sucking every dick I possibly can as soon as I get there.

yeah lots of registered sex offenders

Im sure it's just a bunch of her friends sending her positive well wishes

The cops were saying "boys will be boys" before the internet caused such a massive shitstorm in very short time.