Why would Anthony admit that he bit Dani? Is that sandnigger fucking retarded?

9  2017-01-04 by cbanks420lol


He was drunk

To drum up interest in his new book, entitled "(if) I bit it."

well done

I was wondering the same. Will the court documents be made public, so he thought he'd get ahead of it with his wry and sly, devil-may-care, sideways delivery that we've all come to love?

That's also my theory. It would be made public someday, so might as well get it over with now.

What's the point of being Count Blacula if you don't use your fangs?

I love count blacula

I don't know anyone who calls himself a man that hasn't bitten off a bitches finger at least once. Deal with it

because its pretty funny?

That's the bit!

Can you even imagine how much we would have lost our shit, if Dani was the one to get that info out? Or forget us, the media would totally run that story, if it came out trhat way.

This is a lot better for him.

Let's just be thankful he did. I'm amazed that this dead radio show continues to give us material.

He had to give "something" up to make his side sound more believable.

Nobody would believe him if he stood by the "i never even touched her!" line, so by admitting to something small, he's trying to be like look, im not perfect, i made some mistakes, but they weren't all that bad.

Its like when you get caught stealing something, instead of denying you took it, you say "oh yeah, i took it, but i thought s-and-so didn't want it anymore. here, have it back! see? no problem!"

you admit to a smaller crime to cover up the bigger one.

the old limited hangout

because court documents will be public soon? I am guessing... and one of you autists (that I'm very proud of) would find it very quickly

Have the past three years of his sitcom-esque life not already proved that he is immensely stupid?

Yes..O.J. Simpson is laughing at this dumb fuck.

Oh he seems like such an innocent guy in the whole incident. "yeah- I bit her. I was pissed off"

Ummm that's considered assault faggot. The exact thing you said you never did.

I love count blacula