Opie Radio - Rich Vos, Sherrod Small, Amazon, ESPN, Hatchimals & More (01/03/2017)

0  2017-01-03 by Johnniebutters


I'd rather have Siegfried and Roy simultaneously cum into my ear canals than hear this garbage. Fuck you Opie

Is that an option on the table??

No thanks

His show is not going to last long if he doesn't do some of it alone. He bragged about he's been doing radio since he was 18 and he's better than Howard, but he can't do any of it alone.

When has Jim or Sam done a show completely alone without any producers, that girl that Sam did his show with or whatever Roland and Denny are chiming in? Petty sure the answer is never.

They do their show together without comedians. Those other shows are gone.

When Jim is away they bring in a bunch of people so there's not one second that Sam is on the air alone. Opie and Anthony certainly did many, many shows with just the two of them and no guests.

I said Jim and Sam won't last long also in a thread. I'm just saying that Opie hasn't done a single segment alone since he started. I don't like Sam.

I agree that Sam is terrible. And I'm not defending Opie but just pointing out the double standard. I don't think Opie, Jim or Sam could do an entire show with no guests and no support staff or characters chiming in but I'd probably respect them more if they had the balls to try.

This is taking up valuable space , stop posting

The most hilarious thing is how much Opie needs Vos.