Opie finally got the balls to ask for a cup holder by his seat, Sam delightfully broke it in the first 5 minutes of the show

26  2017-01-03 by TheScarletR

Welcome to Faction Talk, Gregg


Settle down, Matthew.

Keep it under your hat, but a source close to Opie told me that the sticking point for october's contract was indeed a cupholder.

SirusXM didn't mind the expense, but they didn't want to just give one to Opie or else it wouldn't be fair. The big tantrum was because they gave cupholders to all the hosts, and it made Opie feel like he wasn't special. He agreed to take a significant pay cut if it meant Jim wouldn't get a cup holder. XM shrewdly didn't let tits know that Jim's area didn't have space for a cup holder.

Opie confided in my source that he was hoping Jim would storm out of the studio in the new year when he noticed he was without cupholder. Opie's plans were scuppered earlier today when Sam "accidently" broke the cup. My source believes Jim offered sexual favours in return for this cupholder assassination.

The saga continues.


You don't see a good "scupper" very often.

I heard opie offered up his wife to one of the bosses for a cup holder.

The boss declined citing that he would never fuck anyone that opie fucked. The list included Jimmy, Ant and Sam, as well.

Then why turn down Opie's wife?

Opie should be ashamed that this is an entirely plausible & credible shit post.