"I call the big one Bitey"

156  2017-01-02 by mr__hat


Nice. Fucking. Pull.

Id buy you a beer for this one if we were ever at the same bar.

This is the funniest thing I've seen this year

Goddamn, well done!

That's fucking hilarious

Magnificent 👌


He was better off just saying he beat the shit out of her.

Nice Brother Joe cameo too

This could also be a metaphor for his career.

Can't sleep! Ant'll beat me! Can't sleep! Ant'll beat me!

Alcohol helps us play!

Hello, Brother Joe!


TONIGHT IM GOING TO SUCK................your blood!

Or your cock, or sumthin

Here's some unbelievably useless knowledge I've retained - On the Season 4 DVD commentary for this ep (Marge vs Monorail) Matt Groening said this was his all time favourite Simpsons line.

I've sold Compound Media studios to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and, by gum, it put them on the map!

There's no media company here and there never was.