Re-enactment of Opies conversation with Jim on 10/3/04

13  2017-01-02 by TheScarletR


M'boy are you fat

Love how quoting gleason is all well and good at the beginning of this season and by the end, Tony S. had enough. My favorite episode of the season is the one where chris and tony b had to go up to their cousins place and dig up a body. As soon as tony and tony got together they busted chris' balls.

That whole season with Tony B was so good. Buscemi might be the best actor and character in the show.

Haha. Chrissy having to leave, and cry on the way home.

That wasn't their cousins house, it was uncle Pats farm. I Fuckn hate u

The genius of Tony B's character was how close he came to going legit, then how quickly he fell.
This is the moment he turned:

that does it

I'm re-watching Sopranos

I haven't seen any of the Tony B episodes (except when he's in purgatory) in at least a year. Gonna have to agree. It's past time.

I watch it on Youtube all day every day for years now. Some people on there have made it their goal to upload the entire show through clips alone.

"So that's a crack ho"

Tony's shirt is beyond awful.

He's the sausage-link gavone keeyid.

i want that shirt very badly

Steering the ship