Lady Di showing Colin her bubs (NSFW This is HOT)

4  2017-01-01 by Dennyislife


Can't go to church with this hard-on

Even pixelated that is utterly revolting.

The funniest part of this video was the anthony cumia twitter handle in the title. Opie is getting desperate.

How can Anthony even come close to offering anywhere near opies current salary?? Ant has 26 listeners and half of them don't pay

3 mentions on his show got my podcast 30 listens. He's got a HUGE following.

20 of them were from this sub.. not CP media

People here had mostly all listened by then if they were going to. I was looking at the numbahs a lot because i'm a loser and have nothing else. After his show it went up by about 30 listens.

If there is any truth to Colin being gay (and a finer poster boy for sodomy there never has been if he is), then this must have made him go double gay.

Keep an eye on the comments and watch how opie, or whoever is running the channel, deletes the negative ones

Jimmy has probably fucked far worse.

My first bonner of the yr 😂

The school bus used to give me a bonner.

used to know a kid named Stephen, kid always had a bonner

Goddamnit I miss that show.

She really is a foul water buffaler