Construction guys are great at radio

9  2017-01-01 by Bouquet_of_seaweed


I think this is a bit underwhelming but thats just my personal opinion.

More like guys who work jobs where they can listen to radio are great at radio. Both adam and ant were regular callers that were offered a gig. Anyway, Loveline is the third greatest radio show of all time, and the only radio show whose old episodes I can listen to in entirety to this day.

I'd have loved Carolla, Ant, and Jimmy as a show.

Me too.

construction stories, parent bitterness, caller hatred and chip

Construction guys spend all day shooting the shit at work without having to worry about filtering themselves for the most part. Same as radio pretty much, just make the day go by faster by coming up with something funny or interesting to talk about.

Adam looks like a racist caricature of a chinese man in this drawing.

They used to fuck with callers like this when they could tell it was a fake call 5 seconds in.