Danny Ross is a peice of gawbahge

11  2016-12-31 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


Danny if you are reading this i'll have a Whiskey sour and make it snappy


hahahahahahaha. As if there's any doubt he scans this sub for his name about 1400 times a day, the narcissistic fuck.

I bet he's saving every single post he's mentioned in for some preposterous case he's cooked up in his head, pasted into some gay Unabomber manifesto.

Unless his stalker Patton'd him already.

Bar backs don't serve drinks.

I was listing to a rerun from 2011, where they were all talking about how they use to work "regular jobs" (Ant tin-knocking, Jimmy driving a lift, etc.). Danny gets on the mic and declares, "I couldn't do it again. I think if I had to get a real job after this, I...I'd kill myself." And he said it in a dead-serous manner.

Typical kike not to keep his promise.

(((Danny Ross))) is a mentally ill bartender whose deep-seated personality flaws have caused him to squander every opportunity he's been given in life.

Happy New Year Danny!


Reminder that when Danny Ross was asked on this subreddit about the Guitar Hero incident he continued to make excuses for why he lost to an intern rather than just admitting that he acted like a stupid bitch.

Didnt Anthony unplug the game right at the end before Stevie officially won, to give Danny another excuse?

You're not wrong.

Danny is the Shylock of the radio world. A scheming Jew.

But he's one of those jews that is terrible at being jewish, which makes him an even bigger loser. As a member of the Tribe, he's suppose to be rich and successful, and having to do menial labor is the lowest of the low for a jew. He is by far the show's biggest failure.

When do you think MAYBE Danny should be taken to a DOCTOR

He wasn't apposed to leak details about Red Dead Redemption 2

Dobb shelv ligga

Go to bed Danny




He's a bar back now ? Nice

Yeah he's garbage but I love listening to those fights. It's a shame he and Ant broke up.

At least he is only a peice of gawbahge instead of a piece of garbage.