I was almost down with the Schumsky, when I thought that was fried chicken. Those comments tho <3

8  2016-12-31 by fish_flower


Black man, fat white woman how stereotypical.

I honestly don't understand the joke or what's happening so I'll just state that she's fat.

I don't get it.

well when I saw that thumbnail I thought it was her and a black man with a bucket of chicken, so I thought it was funny. Turns out it's just cereal and not funny, but the comments made it worth the click. I'm a lonely faggot.

I still don't get it from her side of things. So was this just a way for her to post a picture of her with the president? What is the "joke" that necessitated a photoshop? Fat.


They all just say "noot." What the fuck is that?

I.. I don't know

when I posted this all the comments were like "Not funny" and "Israel hater"

This is like a brigade from some other message board or something I think


imagine if she wasn't a famous person and this was just some prole's post on facebook.... it's stupid and embarrassing regardless of whatever the fuck it's supposed to mean.

