Hey Jason Kaldec? Why did you PUSSY out like a FAGGOT when you confronted Opie?....

3  2016-12-31 by TangerineReam


If he didn't back down Opie wouldn't talk to him. It was his only way to get a response.


Probably shouldn't use real names sir.


Nevermind "sir," nevermind "sir." 'Mr. Rothstein,' is...good enough for you.

"Well Mr. Rothstein; he probably feels that if he doesn't back down now, he'll have nothing else to say to Opie"

He's an 'institution,' that's the problem, he's lazy.

We're gonna have to kick a kike's ass out of town

It was already made public on another post, and its just his FB: no personal info

Admins are still queer about it.