After listening to "rapper/actor/model Little Dicky" and his ads for Trojans...

3  2016-12-30 by BullsLawDan

... I'd rather gargle Charlie Sheen's cum while Magic Johnson sodomizes me and I cuddle with the corpse of George Michael than buy their rubbers. Advertising works!


I see your attitude is a bit laissez faire.

lol I hate that line. I'm still trying to figure out why he's bringing up an economic system when he's taking about condomns.

ive never said this and meant it as much as i do now: eat shit and die

Thanks sweetheart.

I like his White Dude song. He calls himself a kike and denigrates women in it.

This is horrible.

"On toppa dat"...

Fuckin yuck

He strikes me as someone that thinks "white privilege" is an actual thing

Someone has to say it. The fuck are condoms?

Using Trojans is like fucking with a ziploc on your dick. Worst brand ever.


When I did use condoms, I went to and got the worlds best condom sampler tin. Then, the hard part, find a vagina that will let you fuck it over and over 30 times with different condoms.

Everyone loves Crown Skinless or Kimono. They feel nice but are way the hell too tight. I go with Durex Love (if you can find them). Durex in general is so much better than anything Trojan puts our. I was shocked how bad they are after trying that sampler pack.

Thanks, I'm gonna keep this in mind next time I'm having unprotected sex.

Yeah I can't even find the condoms I liked so much. It's been a while.

i dont know if you were being punny with "the hard part" line, but if you find a girl who likes you, it's hard to keep them off of your dick.

try to be a likable person (lying helps)

I've already completed that part. And lying is essential.

Who is little dicky ?

Is that the one where he says you're gross if you don't use a condom?

A JEW calling me gross? thats rich!

This made me laugh harder than it should've


time stamp?

Oh shut up. It's a commercial

Watch your language buddy

Right away he's gettin fuckin fresh

I really don't care for his tone

now thats what I call comedy

the comment section is retarded


lol I hate that line. I'm still trying to figure out why he's bringing up an economic system when he's taking about condomns.