The president of the Philippines is apparently Seńor Sosa's right hand man...

3  2016-12-30 by theee_tOECUTTEr


Duterte is a fucking hardcore dude.

Read about the deathcounts under this guy, he straight up has his police assassinate drug dealers. Fuck a trial or even formal charges.

Dropping people out of helos is amusement for him, this guys is a modern day despot, though his intentions are good.

i'm a man who can respect good results.

Colorado legalized weed, nothing crazy is happening there and i'm assuming taxes on it help out and other shit. So that's good.

Germany let's in 'refugees' , they're getting randomly terror attacked and rape is through the roof. So that's good, as an example.

If this drug stuff ends up making that stupid country a little better then i'm all for it. People try to guilt you into having empathy for others but fuck it, my opinion changing will never do anything throw em from helicopters let's see how far he can go

Didn't this guy call all his politic enemies drug dealers and assassinated them

When I say killing drug dealers, I exclude weed. I come from a state where it is illegal, and the cops let you go sometimes.

They (Duterte) are worried about thier reputation as being a trafficking hub for all the Opiates that come out of SE asia.

We do not live there, or know how it is. It is easy to judge him on our morals, and not the morals of how things are there.

They used to be Americas colony, lol@Phillippines.

I heard usa is pissed cause he was killing undercover cia who are part of our drug trade

dude weed lmao

Haku got a haircut. Good for him.

The Isle of Tonga finally got a SuperCuts


I heard usa is pissed cause he was killing undercover cia who are part of our drug trade

dude weed lmao