Modern Feminism

5  2016-12-30 by garmnarnar

Great piece. And may I recommend getting fat? I am completely invisible now. But nothing makes men angrier than a fat feminist who loves herself. Example number one - Lindy West. She rocks.

Yes! I didn’t get fat on purpose, but it’s benefits are amazing. Nothing pisses off a man more than a woman being sexually unappealing and yet unapologetic about it.


Lindy West is fat in exactly all of the wrong places. She's like a photo-negative of the idea of feminine beauty, and this is coming from a degenerate who usually enjoys the appeal of great big fat women.

Enjoying the appeal of great big fat women means that you are fetishizing their bodies, which is somehow worse to them than if you just thought that all fat women were gross.

Sweet, two birds, one stone.

Most feminists have borderline personality disorder. The also only get off to rape fantasies and being treated as a sex object

They always confuse disgust for anger. Think of it more like if you announced you didn't wipe after shitting. We wouldn't be angry, just disgusted, and then we'd deal with the disgust by making fun of you.

Nothing pisses off a man more than a woman being sexually unappealing and yet unapologetic about it.

Could you imagine living your life in total relation to the opposite sex? Like you're celebrating putting your well being at risk because you think it'll annoy men? Just as obsessed as some girl slobbing on 2 inches of makeup, but just looking for a different response.

That's like 2000s internet argument tho, will keep doing something because it annoys somebody

More Unwarranted Self Importance. No one thinks of you at all except to think "wow,what a fat cunt". No one is angry because you're a fat cunt. To be angry, they would have to care. Kill yourself faster if you would.

They should try killing themselves, nothing grosses out a man more than a fat whore with her rotted brains blown all over the ceiling.


It doesn't piss men off that you are a fat piece of shit, less of them just may consider whether or not to put it in your shitter.

And wont think twice about calling you a dumb cunt or whatever else I can think of

Q: Anything worse than a fat woman?

A: Nope

Wins 100/100 times. Women can "get fat", fat girls can't "learn thin". Know your place.

That's not what pisses me off.

Only leaving me 3 pieces from a 10 piece bucket pisses me off.

Someone needs to harpoon this cunt and turn her into a candle.

Isn't Lindy West is married to an obviously gay gentleman?

Not so much obviously gay as obviously autistic.

Who put flowers on that walrus?


The only benefit for a chick to get fat is for the big titties. Otherwise, you're just adding fuel to the fire of hating men because no one will want to fuck you.

Its not gonna be so cool when the loads of heath problems that plague people Lindy West's size catch up to them.

Sweet, two birds, one stone.