Nick Mullen talking about Norton: I dont think Jim thinks Im particularly funny, but enough people around him say I am so he gave me a job"

44  2016-12-29 by TheScarletR

He talks about it at about 50:00 in the latest Cum Town.

Says Kurt vouched for him to write on the VICE show, and Jim was the one who asked to have Nick on J&S and then was "icey" towards him

Anyone who cares probably already knew this but Nick finally laid it out when they were talking about bad guests


Jim behaved like Nick wasn't there and was fucking around with an app for the entirety of Nick's most recent appearance on J&S. It was bizarre.

It was very strange and extremely annoying.


And it was probably the most boring point of any J&S show. I lost respect for Jim that day.

not when he re signed with opie, defended amy, stole 61k from fans etc.?

No, he said when.

He ain't called paycheck for nothing.

hes called paycheck because he would call for everyone to lose their paycheck to make a point

It was a fucking disgrace.

Like Opie throwing to a Bobo call when he felt Jimmy and Ant were having too much fun

My favoirite Opie/Bobo call moment:

Opie: Why do you alllllways call us!?

Bobo: uh uhh er, you called me---

Also reminds me of Fez's impression of Opie: "Erock, why isn't Lady Di on the phone? I told you I don't want to talk to her!"

Fez killed that impression. I think he had been holding on to that one for years.

So, he pulled a DL Hugely?

I think he was going for a bit. It just wasn't a very good one.

i dont think so because nick and sam were trying to get on another subject and jim out of nowhere would bring it up, jim is not that unaware of himself.

Norton is a bitter jealous queen. You can hear his sad jealousy when Soder was on last time.

Jim was being insane looking for an app to help him make viral videos, Sam was obviously annoyed at him, it didn't really seem to have anything to do with Nick though. On the other hand, Nick was completely serious during the entire interview, and didn't attempt humor. On Nick's podcast, if someone starts rambling he will stop them and say we need comedy in this. I've never seen Jim or Nick act that way, so maybe something was going on.

I guess it's hard to know if nick is being funny without a fat whoop machine gun laughing after something he's said.

Jim is turning into Opie.

It was weird how toward the end of the O&A/O&J shows Jimmy was talking about guests he specifically blacklisted but also furious when they couldn't get certain comics. Like his anger at Jonah Hill and how he got so pissed when Marc Maron did Howard before them, he sounded like bitter, early XM Opie. I didn't even notice it until the whole Colin fight about twitter and they started talking about unnamed comics who Jimmy apparently hated because they wouldn't do his show.

Was he annoyed/paranoid when Burr and Patrice were coming around 2006ish, didn't he say they were trying to replace him or something?

It was Burr when Jim was in LA shooting Lucky Louie.

Even E-Lo was plotting on replacing him.

cause he was always tired back then too, from what i read on this sub

If by "tired" you mean face-down, hoodie-up, drooling while asleep on the console, then yes he was tired.

turns out he was asian

What do you mean by that?


When he'd call in it would be 4 or 5 am in California so he was getting ready to go into the studio.

He was paranoid and they fucked with him by acting like they were under the impression he wasn't coming back and they were auditioning Patrice, Burr, or Vos to see who fit in best when he would call in a few times.

You're right, they kept always being like "Jimmy's huge in LA right now, he's not coming back to us" around that time.

And Patrice speculated he was going to get a chin implant.

He was also pissy he couldn't play cherry darts (helps "prove" he's straight)

I'm wondering if just getting old turns you into a wretched bitter useless cunt.

Colin straight up said he was waiting for Jimmy to leave town so he could hop in and take over. I'm now certain this filled him with dread and insecurity.


I have anger for jonah hill tho

How many gay-sounding friends do these guys have? I barely like Adam as it is, and now I'm expected to put up with this 32 year old peter puffer Brandon. Christ.

I thought they were just calling Adam Brandon as an inside joke, I couldn't tell the difference. They have lazy faggot voices.

Seriously what is the deal with their voices? Lazy faggot really is the best description.

a lot of comics put on a weird affect on their voice during standup and some guys just keep it and barley use their real voice. most standups do it but some are more noticeable like mark normand sounds completely different if he's talking about something serious.

Yeah I lost track of who's who. I liked the early episode where the mercilessly mocked Brandon and made him sit in the corner off mic.

Which one is that? Nick is pretty good about trying to give the fans good radio, I really respect that.

one of my favorite burns of all time is from that episode when nick said brandon's entire personality is copied & pasted from r/blackpeopletwitter and world star hip hop comments.


He also commented on it at 1:07:50 of episode 30 - "I went on Jim and Sam and he made it very clear that he had no interest in anything I was saying".

And on bonus ep 14 "Adam's Replacement" at 1:00:50 - "Jim got annoyed and started looking at his phone and then eventually just left the studio".

Jim hates him. Don't know why but that's what it is

Cos he's 20 years younger and funny without bringing up trannies ad nauseum.

Can you post links cuz I have no idea what any of that is. Also I heard you were a girl, I'm sorry.

The bonus episodes are harder to link to. Some are posted on /r/cumtown

Why do these shitty podcasts make it so hard to listen to them? I will gladly even pay for them if they're on a platform I can recognize.

It's actually the only online content I pay for. I steal everything. So that's saying a lot...

I vaguely remember him making fun of Jimmy on his podcast. Something along the lines of him cracking jokes and trying to be funny and "serious pontifficating Jimmy" kept saying over and over "what do u mean by that?"

Nick also "lost" half of the show where Jim was a guest. Jim is a horrible guest.

Something's definitely happened to Jim in the past few years. Ever since Mullen mentioned Jim stonewalling his jokes with "What do you mean by that?" I can't stop noticing him doing it. He does it every time Whoo Kid is on. Whoo Kid will say some obviously exaggerated thing about fucking bitches or making money and Jim takes him 100% seriously and presses him for details. What the fuck happened? Is Jim only capable of irony when he's doing a dumb "So bad it's good" character like Kirk Sinnamon or Chip?

I was recently listening to a Nopie show with Vos & Bonnie and Bonnie noticed that and called Jim on it. Jim took something Vos said literally and Bonnie was like "Jim, youre the quickest guy I know, yet somehow you miss when other people are making a joke to you." And Jim pretty much just said he doesnt know why he does that sometimes.


That's because he doesn't listen to other people's material so it won't taint his act. Even when those people are sitting directly across from him on his own show.

Probably because he isn't trying to be funny but to just have an interview

What happened to him is smartphones. He is, at best, half paying attention to the conversation at any given time.

What do you mean?

That he is chatting or browsing the web on his phone while guests are on.

Say again?

I think it's much simpler than that. I think he's just a lonely, sad, and jealous douchebag who occasionally still possesses the skills to be funny.

Hes a sober square

The biggest time he did it was with Jim Jefferies, it just seemed like Norton didn't believe anything he was saying. I might respect that, if Norton is just subtly stonewalling people that he thinks are full of shit.

He doesn't think they're full of shit. He feels threatened by them, so he attempts to derail them to make them seem less funny.

Jim is just jealous of Nick's friends Adam and Brandon being able to be explicitly open with their homosexuality.


Insert penis joke.

Jim doesn't think Nick is funny because Nick's jokes don't reference anything before 1975.

jim putting nick on the pay no mind list is probably going to haunt Norton for a long time ... Mullen is funny ... jim was rude enough to make nick be honest about nortons shittyness

He only responds if you directly criticize his interview prep

/u/TheRealJimNorton your interview prep sucks balls

See above comments as to why

I know right??

Jim wasn't great during that show, but Nick Mullen wasn't funny or interesting on it, either.

Jimmy has his five comic friends and his acquaintances that came up with him, but he isn't that good at making new comedian friends (unless they are pretty blonde girls that will never ever fuck him, I guess).

well it was hard for him to be funny with jim interrupting with the stupid phone app bullshit, he was clearly doing that because he didn't give a fuck about nick, you're telling me he would do any of that if a stupid UFC guy or washed up porn star came in?

jim is so scared of new comics, as he should. jim is the king of comedy when it comes to radio but his stand up is mediocre.

I admit in that first post that jim is a weirdo around other comics that don't come from his same background or 50 year old references.

I just don't get why this sub jumps on every up and coming comedian/podcaster like they're the next iteration of O&A. Cumtown just isn't that good.

Actually, it is that good, and you're just gay, bad, and a huge fag. hope this helps

It's not as good as OnA at their best, but it's pretty funny IMO. I've laughed at a lot of it, which is the goal. I don't laugh at much nowadays. It's better than Jim and Sam, at least.

Obviously Nick is the funniest, but do you find the other two regularly amusing?

Not really. They can sometimes say funny shit but they're really just there for Nick to respond to.

Mullen probably fucked Kelsey Cook's ass, mouth and cunt and Jim is super jelly.

I'm not sure about all these fancy stars, but what I can tell ya is Rich Vos will be at the Helium Comedy Club in Buffalo NY tonight, tomorrow, and on the 31st.

Thank god there's still some constancy in this madcap world


Wish I still lived up there.

Glad I don't live there anymore...other than hitting up Ted's Hot Dogs after a long bender. Those Wegman subs ain't that bad either.

Yeah I really don't miss the place. Ted's is good but North Jersey has like three Texas hots places that are better. Sahlen's are fucking nice though.

So it is indeed exactly what it seems like. What misery.

It's a novel by Stephen King.

Edit: and a movie too.

Is he actually funny? I've never really listened to him

Nick is hysterical.

Nick sounds like a topical douchebag

He's an annoying typical faggot. There's nothing funny about him.

Hi Nick.

Good one bro.


If Jim Norton doesn't think he's funny he must be the next Pryor.


Nobody here likes you. Your family pretends you don't exist. Die

Hi Nick.

well you also took your name from the worst season of south park in years

Only because they didn't know what to do when donny actually won and their "do it the week before" production model fell and went boom


Both of the times I've heard Jim and Nick together has been horrendous. I don't think Nick gives a fuck, but Jim obviously doesn't like him.

Nick who? Cum what?

Yeah. No clue.

You guys are so cool

Jimmy's right. He's not funny.

Jim is a quirky autistic guy with mountains worth of doubt and self remorse about his own comedic skills. This shouldn't be news to you guys stop pretending like this is a new thing for him. That said Nick Mullen is a pretentious holier than thou Millennial with a shitty podcast, stop pretending he's good.

Erock comment?

Nick Mullen is the hero O&A fans need but not the one we deserve

Nick Mullen is going places.
Jim Norton is staying places.

if you are on top of the world, where else is there to go?

If you're sad lonely victim Jimmy, you find the nearest leaky window and jump.


Nick isn't that funny, so i don't actually give a fuck. Seems like some of you guys in this sub sure have a huge boner for him.

No one has a huge boner for him. Jims been on his show, hes been on Jims show, and theyve had some really awkward interactions. Its not crazy to discuss that in this sub

Not saying it is, I have seen people fanboy over him here in the past. Jim was being an obnoxious twat that day for sure, I just don't see what the BFD about Mullin is.

I guess Im just speaking for myself. I think hes funny but I dont follow every move he makes or anything.

Also theres a Cum Town subreddit now which should help cut down on Mullen-related stuff here.

Nick is so edgy and cool wish I could name a podcast after semen and be sacred to say nigger in context.

How the hell did you come across this post a month later?

Nick isn't that funny. Jimmy probably thought he was helping Nick already by giving him a platform.

The whole Opie vs Jimmy fight in 2005 was because Opie completely ignored Sean Rouse on the air and Opies excuse was just that: "WHAT??? ITS VALUABLE AIR TIME, HES GOTTA JUMP IN!!!!" And what does Jim do? Not only put Nick on the pay no mind list, but he actively derailed that show with over an hour of "video app" whining.

Its fine if you dont think Nick is funny but thats really not the discussion here.

What do you mean?

i dont think so because nick and sam were trying to get on another subject and jim out of nowhere would bring it up, jim is not that unaware of himself.


Obviously Nick is the funniest, but do you find the other two regularly amusing?