Seinfeld looks nervous. Probably contemplating legal ramifications

24  2016-12-29 by unclepaul84


"Hey Michelle, I got our Winter Solstice cards done early this year, will you lick the envelopes? Love ya!"

Patton was The Smog Strangler.

He looks like fucking Elton John. What the fuck dude? What happened to this guy?

He was one of the funniest dudes in the world and he just became this blobby smiling faggot.


The same thing that happened to Jack Black. Once Largo becomes your hangout in LA you become a massive faggot.

Largo was always Patton's hangout though.

He realized he just locked himself in a car with a murderer, hes trying to map his way out of this

He has that same look when he realized that Papi didn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom.

tssss NO SOUP FOR YOU or sumpthin'

"What is the deal with a dead wife?! She can't be your wife if she's dead!"

"And why did they call it an overdose?! He got the dosage just right if you ask me!"

Who are these people that murder their wives?

'Jerry, her head went back, and to the left. He he.'

His directing on Colins "new york story" was abysmal. I feel bad for Colin because it's probably not getting made without Jeromes help but it looked awful.

Jerry is one hit wonder.

Randy is snek

Seinfeld only made it big because of Larry David. The guy sucks ass on his own.

Patton just offered Jerry a drink and when he looked into the cup he noticed what looked like crushed up bits of Xanax floating in it. So he's understandably nervous and worried.

probly nervous cause he has no door or sumpfin

Jerry remembers what he did to his Saab.

Jerry: It's a Delorean. You know, they turned a Delorean into a time machine for that movie.

Patton: They did? Can we go back about eight months? I think I left a fingerprint smudge on the bathroom door handle.

Jerry: What?

Patton: Nothing.

That look you make when realizing that classic cars don't have a latch on the inside of the trunk.

Whats there to be afraid of? I was under the impression that he kills for (((their))) pleasure.

Does this turn into a slow police chase?

I was thinking something like the OJ chase could happen at any moment.

Jerry...can you keep a secret ?

Dave Chappelle had a similar situation with Wayne brady

Why would you have a widower on your comedy show in the first place? Total downer.

Who is that ?

It's Jerry Seinfeld and Patton Oswalt. Oswalt is a suspect in the mysterious murder of his wife Michelle McNamara.

I needs to know more

It looks like Seinfeld just got an unexpected Cosby Cocktail from our chubby serial killer...Jerry seems drowsy.

This was the second worst episode Seinfeld ever did of this show. If I remember correctly it was a lot of political shoehorning.

What was the worst?

That screechy voiced youtube cunt.



It's Jerry Seinfeld and Patton Oswalt. Oswalt is a suspect in the mysterious murder of his wife Michelle McNamara.