"Misery Loves Comedy" is a piece of shit

11  2016-12-29 by postope

I actually really enjoy Kevin Pollak's interviews and was looking forward to watching this, because I love documentaries that really get into the mind of comics (of course Ronnie B is the best at it) but it just seemed kind of half-assed and thrown together. It was disappointing. I am sad now


Any documentary about comedians is going to be shit. Tell us all how tragic and insecure you all are, as if we didn't pick that up from your acts.

Comedian was decent. Orny was boring but the Jerry stuff was good.

I thought Comedian was really, really good. The Orny stuff I thought was amazing because how un-self aware he is and just that sense of entitlement he showed through the whole thing. Especially when he was trashing Steven Wright.

Damn, it was so cringeworthy and that "bit" about buoyant Mexicans where he laid on the stool made me pause the video for a second to take it all in.

I liked I Am Comic. It was amazing to see stupid Mencia actually confess on camera he was a giant thief, and almost proud of it. What a moment; you're actually seeing someone destroy their career on camera.


Nope. He's dead serious. If he was going for sarcasm, he failed miserably. (Now I can't tell if YOU were being sarcastic. What a twisted circle we're in)

No shit it wasn't funny. But that does not mean he was not being sarcastic.

I didn't say "funny," I said "sarcasm." He failed at both, my love.

I love it when you talk sweet to me.


I also enjoyed I Am Comic and the sequel I Am Road Comic, When Standup Stood Out also wasn't bad but didn't quite live up to my expectations based on hearing about it on JRE and the like

I wasn't into Road Comic, it seemed like he didn't even try on that one. Just cashed in on the name of the first one. He "interviews" Jimmy while he's standing in an alley waiting for a cab, like..really? Shot on an iphone?

I need to see When Stand Up Stood Out, I keep forgetting about that one.

It stinks, and I drove all the way downtown to see the premiere and the little bastard didn't even show up for it. (He cancels on everything) The only slightly cool part was seeing O & A's stupid faces on the biggest movie screen I've ever seen, and fucking the big titted Mexican I brought on a date with me in my car after. While a bum smoked crack nearby.

I hope I didn't ruin your date fam. But that pipe was callin'.

It was a pile of shit.


Remember when Pollak almost made Samwise cry?

No, what's the story there?

I thought it was pretty good. I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't watch it again.

I thought it was amazing that Pollak's gun comment to Freddie Prinze, Jr. went right over his head.

Semen cream corn salad.


Nope. He's dead serious. If he was going for sarcasm, he failed miserably. (Now I can't tell if YOU were being sarcastic. What a twisted circle we're in)

No shit it wasn't funny. But that does not mean he was not being sarcastic.