The most recent Nopie archive just got yanked, here's the new link

34  2016-12-28 by TheScarletR

Sorry about all the Nopie posts, gang.

Here's the new link -

The account that the last one was on got banned by for uploading Legion of Skanks episodes (yes Luis pays a company to scour the internet in hopes to find "copyright") so I made a new account and will keep this one separate so the library stays up.

However, if it does get pulled down again I have the actual files edited with the guest/comic info so I just have to re-upload, as opposed to re-editing all of the files.


Public Relations Rattlesnake learning how to be a jew one copyright claim at a time.

His heroin-addicted whore of a mother would be so disappointed in what he has become.

She would surely nod off at the thought of him working with the grimey (((tribe)))

He's stupidly shelling out money for a lawyer, not understanding that once they snake you into this deal it's actually your legal duty to pay to go after every single case of LOS copyright infringement. So now he will be legally forced to enforce his copyright exclusivity against every single solitary case. Now he has to keep paying lawyers because he wanted to feel big time.

That's not how it works.

So you're not legally held to enforcing your copyright across the board? You can be selective and lackadaisical about it? You get to choose which cases you send cease & desist letters to? What do you do for a living, character?

You're thinking about trademarks you dumb faggot.

And what right is piracy a violation of, cocksucker?

Copyright. And it's a violation regardless of whether you enforce your copyright or not.

While you're frantically Googling, find me a citation that says copyright works the way you said it does.

Here's a citation you nerd, you weren't right about trademark either. A brief google isn't a frantic google.

Are the Bald Rattlesnake's copyright antics a result of his slimy lawyers, or are they not? That's the point.


So you admit you were wrong.


I used to like LoS but it just sucks any time I listen to it now. I gave up on it awhile back because there were too many videos/visual things and it was generally just devoid of humor when it used to be pretty funny.

Then I saw Luis post on reddit acknowledging that they watched too many videos and saying they would address the show's problems. So I checked it out again and the first hour of the show was about a video and the last hour was them trying to convince ding dong to puke on Luis.

I checked it out one more time because Ronnie B was on, and the first hour was about a video of a fat man running into a wall, and in the last hour they brought him on. Apparently they had agreed beforehand that the "funniest thing" would be for the fat guy to do an obstacle course.

Pretty good summation. All their visual shit, along with just being lazy has really killed the show. I still watch most episodes optimistically but am usually disappointed.

I know people cant run their shows based on their fans' demands but Luis just tells you hes working really hard and to stop paying if you dont like it. Which leaves only audio for a podcast that is 80% commentating on youtube videos.

I think I'm going to finally cancel my sub to GaS, waste of $6

Are the video episodes on

I had the LoS video episodes on there but bans your account after a certain number of copyright claims (I'm guessing 3). Luis must be paying some competent heebs because they nail every single one within a couple days of it being uploaded.

Haha lame. Id cap them and put them on Google drive but that would take forever and probably still get jewish lawyered in the end

Luis is a fool and thank you for your service

thanks, I hate you the least.

The Penis Rubbing Rattlesnake

Is it a possibility the "nopie show" could be considered it's own piece of original artwork?

that way it can't be taken down?

I never would have discovered O&A without people uploading clips/episodes on to youtube (something I then subscribed to). I don't understand why guys like Anthony wouldn't understand the value in it.

Nothing LoS does now is worth getting your account banned. They suck now.