Hannibal Buress is an idiot (Joe Rogan actually good)

3  2016-12-28 by HugsMcbear


Wayne Brady vs Ben Stiller

Anyone who looks to Rogan or Hannibal or Downsie Ben Stiller for political opinions deserves all their inane horseshit.

There is absolutely no reasoning in general with black people about race. They live in a bubble of perpetual victimhood and knee jerk reaction-ism. Black people aren't accountable for ANY of their problems, it is all "because racism" and the racist cops. Every black shooting is unjustified and "because racism." 9x out of 10 the guys that get shot are violent offenders with rap sheets a mile long, drug dealers, thieves, and menaces to their own community. Also resisting arrest. But nevermind that.

Just the other day I saw an article on Yahoo news where Obama says (my favorite) "it's long overdue we have an open and honest discussion about race." And of course, in not a single one of the excerpts Yahoo posted does Obama once mention anything that is the fault of black people, inner city people, or black culture. He sites institutional racism and police violence. Just endless coddling and excuse making, they've become the nation's spoiled children.

Alright settle down Percy Paragraphs

Im verbose!

"We need an open an honest conversation about how white people made my daddy scared and run away, and why all my friends make fun of me for acting white."

did he really site all that?


How the sobriety going? I hear your into trannies now.

"Now?" Psh. Noob.

I wish they would shape up or ship out.

Wayne Brady makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X.


Paul Mooney is criminally underappreciated. He's the original Patrice

Mooney fucking stinks. All that pontificating coon ever does is twist everything around to make it about whites mistreating blacks. I think he's a closet faggot too.

He's a raging queen, he just doesn't broadcast it at every turn for attention like most people in the business.

Richard Pryor hints at Paul being a faggot at his roast https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SAqmzmirixg I'm not timestamping it but the whole thing is worth a watch

he was the original troll

dude wrote for richard pryor. i don't think you need much more on your resume.

Patrice is to women what Mooney is to white people. He thinks he understands them but in reality it's just the dumb ones that are hypnotized by it and just go along.

I disagree. He gets people to get up and leave the audience cause not cause they disagree or are offended but cause they can't deal with it.

Yeah it turns out if you directly insult the audience they rightly think you're a fucking hack. Patrice was awful at a lot of shit too.


Hannibal was shit hammered drunk.

He sounds like that all the time. He's an idiot.

Harris offered a million caveats, but his point was as explicit as ever: he flatly rejects the narrative of racist, murdering police officers. It took balls to sit there and say that, considering his already precarious position amongst the left and his reputation of being a "racist."

turns out sam harris is a dummy too.

Sam spends 20 minutes prefacing everything he says so he doesnt get called a racist... get to the fuckin point sam!!!

He's the smartest and most articulate retard on the planet.

Honestly, I'd take Bobo in a debate. Imagine how flustered this retard would get after Bobo yelled spade at him. 6 hours of explaining the etomology before he even tried to explain himself.

Rogan is a moron too. Hannibel is a shithead and not funny

Hannibal isn't funny here, but his stand-up is better than 99% of comedians I've heard.

you should watch more comedians. Stay away from west coast people.

I watch / listen to a shit-ton of comedy and have seen a lot of the top tier live. The West Coast is definitely awful for comedy, I could name maybe 2 people out there I'd pay to see. However, again, of the comedians I've heard, he's still in the top 1% as the majority of working comics are hack, uncreative, or just not funny. Hannibal is witty and has a lot of creative premises compared to the bulk of comedians.

I will say there are a lot of relatively unknown and younger comics that are funny and coming up, but I was speaking more of the professional / club circuit and up types.

I don't think Hannibal was being that bad here. You can tell he didn't want to talk about this shit in the first place, and he makes a good point about people wanting to have this conversation as a talking point for their podcast.

The whole point of the podcast episode was about having difficult conversations.

oh, well that kind of changes things.

The only time I like listening to Rogan for political talk is when he has Eddie Bravo drop conspiracies. He is so into the Illuminati that he made an appeal to them, asking "please take me" because he would be useful in coming up with creative false flags, like "making it look like Eskimos in Alaska are training ISIS in order to justify taking the oil."



Eddie Bravo

Edgy Brah is awful to listen to for more than 20 seconds. He believes literally every conspiracy video on YouTube.

You have a very shallow understanding of what makes him entertaining.

True, because I have 100% understanding of what makes him unbearable to listen to. You can find this guy at most any weed-centric party, nothing about it is unique or entertaining.

Do you expect me to believe you get invited to weed-centric parties often?

No idea. But that's what the mainstream media wants you to believe mannnnnnnn.

It's Tarek from Flip or Flop

roids give you that high pitched bitch voice right? Would explain Rogan's thick necks/sissy lilt

He's also a really tiny man. He just has elf / midget voice.

You guys ever notice how much you disagree with black people about the black experience? Weird, right?

I don't disagree with him on his own feelings, nor do I live in America to know what a 'black experience' is/should be - the point is he just started saying ''I know someone who was bothered by police so 'fuck your stats'''

I enjoyed around 12 mins when he gave it to the black man that cops aren't just assholes to them, we've all had a cop be an asshole to us

I put this on here awhile ago


That picture of Hannibal makes it look like his nose has another mostly formed nose as a bridge

This would be mildly interesting if one guy wasn't drunk.


"People get killed because they don't know how to get arrested." Fuck you Sam Harris.

logic hurts

Really? I think it's more like an out of control police state that hurts.

When you resist arrest, don't cry foul. That's his point. If you watch arrest videos you see tons of people trying to intervene like they can actually prevent the arrest. Even if I did nothing wrong and a cop tried to arrest me, the dumbest thing for me to do is resist arrest.

Also, many people resist arrest and are aggressive against cops. Something as simple as a knife can kill someone instantly. They are a threat and need to be taken down in the best way possible minimizing the most damage to ALL parties.

I'm not saying there isn't unjustified shootings, there's been some pretty bad ones no doubt. But there's a difference between a minority and a majority. Reckless shootings from cops are not a majority

The problem is the Police are too quick to snatch people's freedom away.

Police departments nationwide should be disbanded. They are only corporate "policy enforcement departments" working under the UCC and not the constitution.

We need to go back to completely relying on the county Sheriff's offices for law enforcement. At least there is an elected public official to hold accountable if the department goes awry.

The problem is the Police are too quick to snatch people's freedom away.

When they break the law. A few bad apples doesn't mean "tear it all down"

It's pandemic and you know it. No cop would correct another in the line of duty and that leads to blatant corruption from the top to the bottom of every department in America.

Just listen to Club Soda Kenny if you don't believe me. He loved to dole out those "wood shampoos," and he was INTERNAL AFFAIRS!!!

It's pandemic and you know it.

it's not, if it was the numbers would show it. If it's a pandemic, can you prove it?

Start with these 845,000 videos and then come back for more when you're done.


anecdotal evidence, nice

stats work too but mis-information and mis-categorization works better

So you would trust statistics put out by a government entity before your own lying eyes that can watch 1 million videos of police abuse.

OK shilly shillenstein chew on this;


Keep in mind this is a "news" search so it really only goes back to 2015.

Some Police Chiefs are bad, you can apply the same logic to any position in any industry

when I say stats I mean actual stats. Youtube videos and Google searches aren't stats. If you don't have any and you're going off of anecdotal evidence and emotional opinions that's fine.

There's nothing emotional about cold hard evidence. Even a moron cop like yourself knows that. Keep playing dumb though, it suits you.

There's nothing emotional about cold hard evidence

still waiting for that evidence

You have it, you just don't want to admit it. Your delusions are your own, eurofag.

if you don't want to provide evidence for your claims that's ok. I made the mistake of thinking you were someone with facts

Right, because video evidence and news reports of arrests are not facts. If you had a million videos of people robbing banks would that not be evidence that people were robbing banks? What would you know about personal sovereignty anyway? You bow to a friggin' queen. You're a willing subject of another person. You don't care about personal freedom. Stop pretending you're an American and go eat your "Frosties" you fucking eurofag.

ever heard of confirmation bias? YouTube and Google searches (oh look 800,000 videos with TAGS labelled "cop brutality" (aka doesn't mean anything, there's videos where people discuss it, support it, criticize it, a number is a giant generalization)) aren't evidence. Some police chiefs get arrested, therefore all cops are bad? This is second grade shit.

It was pretty simple, prove there's a "rampant" issue with police brutality. Linking videos isn't evidence. You need real data and statistics. If there's 10 reports for every 1000 police interactions, that's drastically different than 300 reports for every 1000 interactions.

The fact that I have to explain this is a problem

It's troubling that when pressed for data, you result to personal attacks. I'm a queen? I'm a eurofag? It shows how emotional you are about the issue. Anger causes a drop in intelligence, that's proven. I feel nothing by your words. It shows how instead of proving a point, you attack the person. That's pathetic.

You don't know what the fuck your talking about. That's the problem. Go suck off a Bobbie.

I asked for simple data and you couldn't prove it, now you're being extra emotional. I'm not the problem here

"It's pandemic and you know it. " I'm still waiting for that data

You should hold your breath while waiting, please!

So the guy who makes giant generalizations about a whole group of people who can't provide evidence results to personal attacks

go figure

So the faggot Brit who knows nothing about the US thinks he can make an argument about the state of our domestic affairs. Go figure.

So now you're assuming where I'm from (which you're wrong) in addition to the personal attacks and still a lack of data

you really are a giant faggot

So what are you some unoriginal Irish cunt? Whatever you are, you should kill yourself.

Ireland is in Europe you dumb fuck. You've been wrong about everything you assumed

I meant as opposed to being a Brit you mangy cunt. I don't give a shit where you're from, you're not from the US and you have no business interjecting yourself into this discussion. So kindly go fuck yourself. You don't matter as much as you wish you did.

If you're going to call someone a shill you shouldn't be doing the same

Who exactly am I shilling for you moron cop?

I get that people shouldn't run from the cops, especially on a little charge, there is just too much that can go wrong for the arrestee. However, I've had cuffs put on before, and there is some innate primal reaction to someone physically restricting you and you not being able to defend yourself (or whatever). I wasn't amped up with adrenaline when it happened to me, but I can see your fight or flight kicking in, especially if you come from somewhere where the cops have never been on your side. Thankfully I knew it was coming (it was a little mix-up), so I was able to prepare myself. But it was still extremely heinous to have your arms cuffed behind your back. Ironically, my officer was black, and he was extremely cool.

Hannibal should never be allowed to leave from the shadow of Eric Andre.

Hannibal is a girl. Joe was infuriating and treating Hannibal like the little girl he is by placating him.

I was starting to hate Sam Harris but this video brought me back.


Yeah, that's not true at all. The guy is incredibly smart and lays out his arguments in a way that's difficult for SJWS to pin him on anything. Hitchens was a friend and respected him in a big way. You are talking out of you ass.


If you think Hitchens was smart I have some incredibly bad news for you.


The problem is the Police are too quick to snatch people's freedom away.

When they break the law. A few bad apples doesn't mean "tear it all down"

True, because I have 100% understanding of what makes him unbearable to listen to. You can find this guy at most any weed-centric party, nothing about it is unique or entertaining.

You don't know what the fuck your talking about. That's the problem. Go suck off a Bobbie.