White Guy New Year Resolutions... we need to be more fair, so let's be honest

0  2016-12-28 by jokopolis

I might be taking a shot in the dark here but I'm guessing that most of us here are fucking white males, so my question is what are your resolutions for 2017. Mine are: 1. Trade the word fagget for Boi pucci 2. Only spit on women with under b cups 3. Bring the word darkies back 4. Not laugh when my Latina girlfriend gets deported... etc Let me know


I also assume that most of you are fucking white males.

I'm not fucking anything currently.

I just saw boi pucci and assumed this was a u/cbanks420lol post

Instead of calling someone a faggot, just call them a Proud Boy.

That actually could work

Start waking up before midday.

Get off here, DiStefano...

Give another donation to Kevin Brennan.

Maybe take an ESL class, homie.

1) Cut down on # of rapes by pulling out before cum

2) Rachel sensitivity classes so I stop being bottom-fucked by coons nice black peepel

3) Loose my inbishins and finally tell my pops im proud he is a trans moslim lady :)