Nia Burr analysis thread

37  2016-12-28 by FatFreckledFuckFace

Added her on snapchat 12 hours ago to see if I could tell her she's a dementor feasting on Bills soul and this is the shit I deal with on day 1

She asked for it, now I wanna keep it nice. I don't wanna hear anything mean like "she has a shit personality and has neutered her husband" or "her (lack of) eyebrows make her look like a black Mona Lisa". Don't be mean


I just feel bad for Billy, he's the best comedian of his generation and he's now stuck with this adult child and her wretched spawn for the rest of his life

Bill Burr is out there working his ass off being the funniest fucking guy on the planet, and she's in his house taking middle finger selfies with a phone he probably bought her, it's sad man

Fuck him. He chose that gibbon bitch

yes. I probably wouldn't hate her as much if it wasn't for the fact that Bill will describe her awful pouting child behavior, then have the nerve to say his chick is the coolest. NO SHE'S NOT BILL.

The stories of how awful she is at restaurants tells me everything i need to know to say she is 100% not "cool"

Yeah, that stuck with me, too. You can tell her and her whole shitty family make torturing waitstaff a "sport".

"You know they don't have the cream of the crop working on (some holiday, I forget which)", and she fucking giggled, recalling how much pleasure she takes in making life difficult for the servers.

She was quasi-bragging about it, the fucking retarded cunt.

Worst part is you know she doesn't tip.


She thought Easter brunch was the day the 3rd string waiters worked. Easter, Mothers Day, Valentine's Day and New Year's are the busiest days of the year. Waiters fight over who gets to work then. "I used to be a server, so I know", said Nia. If that was the case, she also should have known why a server would ask for an appetizer order before the whole party arrives (so the good will get there when they do) or why a glass of wine might take longer than a mixed drink (opening a fresh bottle takes a sec, cunt). She's retarded

If we take her at her word, that means she is not only an entitled hypocritical bitch, but also a terrible server.

But the blacks make great employees that can't be true

They do if you have a good overseer with a steady whip hand.

I thought you were going to make it sound like there are superstar waiters out there and was preparing to wish that someone set you on fire. What a curveball

I'll put in a superstar performance if I think it will be appreciated. If the guest feels ENTITLED to a superstar performance, I give the bare minimum, because fuck you

this is what happens when restaurants are desegregated

And yet we cheer tough ufc norton for the same behavIor

Not really. I tune in for the characters, the ballbusting, and the few good interviews they've conducted. Complaining about waiters and food courts is getting old real quick.

its a passion for jim to fuck with waiters/apple store employees/airplane waitress etc.

Customer service Jim is the worst. At least he has some redeeming qualities.

He was terrible when he had to do customer service for the chipperson cartoon

Another reason I wish Patrice was still alive. I would love to hear his take on Nia's article about being a bored, no-talent housewife.

Find one chick that doesn't act like that sometimes.

Just why would Billy settle for that? He could have easily had a hot 27 year old ginger to pop out some little carrot tops.

They married in 2013 so it's not like he was desperate.

Out of all the descriptions you could use, you choose a 27 year old hot ginger? Ginger, really… it's all subjective but I don't think most men equate ginger=sexy woman, I know I don't in the least. I don't even have red headed male friends because even they make me uncomfortable.

But Bill could have his pick of the gingers.

His pick of the gingers!

Ginger pussy is some of the finest pussy on earth let me tell you. Alabaster white ass with some pink nipples and red pubes is 10/10.

"Alabaster white ass"…"red pubes"? YUCK

I concur on the ginger male point. Merely chose ginger because I feel people should stick to their own kind. Although I love pale redheads like Alicia Witt.


He did the crime and now he has to do the time

Unlike Patton.

He's not that funny. His act is old and tired.

You're old and tired!

Yeah I'm 25. His stand up blows

We need to make Nia less reserved and bring out this cunty side of her more often. We need to make Bill see what a bossy leach this broad is.

Let's brainstorm ideas on how to make her show her cunty side as much as possible.

We need to make Bill see what a bossy leach this broad is.

Lol, you think he doesn't already know? It's too late nigga, he came inside her and put a ring on it, it's fucking over mate

Check back on Bill when he looks like Louis CK in 5 years

In five years we will all be thanking Nia for giving us bitter divorced angry Burr.

I cant wait for this to happen. And it will.

It will 100%. And she will take him to the cleaners. She hasn't worked in years, they'll have a child, and he's making a killing right now. Hope you don't really like that house, billy boy. Or your NYC apartment.

If it's a boy, we'll name him Bill after me. If it's a girl, we'll name her Nia after you, this way she can grow up to be a cock-sucking slob just like her mother.

''Wha dose old Tarzan movies''

Did you just say "WE need to make Bill see..."

You are nearing Paterson Nightly levels of delusion.

Look at all those filters and shit. Pursing her lips.

I'l never understand why so many comedians can't get attractive women. It's insane how so many comedians absolutely suck with getting hot girls.

There are very few comics I can think of that are currently dating or have a history of dating hot women. Bobby Lee is one, I think Joe Rogan's bitch is hot IIRC. Most of the others just suck. Especially the ones who came up with Patrice O'Neal. You'd think they would have learned a thing or two being around him for so long.

If you can stand on stage, be funny and entertain a crowd than you should be able to flirt with and close hot women. But barely any of them can do it. Insane to me.

patrice's bitch 'Von' was nowhere near as hot as people made out on the show. She was hot for Patrice, I think was the implication - as he looked like an ogre by any metric.

Also in retrospect she was just a gold digger.

'was'? Bitch is still digging.

she got to 6 feet and didn't stop

holy fuck man

Kind of makes you realize most of Patrice's "bitch training" was actually nonsense

It was just him abusing her and her putting up with it until he had enough cash and made a will so she could 'forget' some of his meds and give him some extra cake.

A lot of it was bullshit. Who the fuck would take relationship advice from a black guy? They're dealing with the dregs of the earth, black women. None of it applies unless you're an absolute fool into mudsharking

Patrice got it from Dante Nero. Dante actually lived that life for decades and put Patrice on to it much later in life. However, the downside is that Dante goes after a specific kind of ghetto NYC type look, so that's what his advice is geared towards. Most of it is really basic game or pickup type material.

The problem is, Dante is right fairly often about some specific things, and for other things, it just can't apply to every guy / race / situation, and then using the advice could turn out awful for you. Some things apply to both a hoodrat and a female doctor, for example, and other things will get you booted out or laughed at by one or the other type.

Patrice recycled a lot of this stuff into his appearances on O+A, and it was hilarious, but he didn't really live a single life like that, he barely started gaming until he met Von. Also, look at Von's personality, does anyone believe Patrice wasn't constantly just placating her like Bill does?

TL;DR, his "bitch training" was funnier than it was practical.

Alot of you never heard it... but I listen to "Juan Epstein" a rap podcast hosted by Peter Rosenberg and Cipha Sounds. Patrice did it shortly before he died. Von did it too.

In the Von ep she said before Patrice she was in a long term relationship with another comic, that Patrice and everyone knew, but didnt want to divulge. Immediately Rosenberg goes "Martin Lawrence?" Followed by a long awkward silence and a quick "Wow" from Von. He hit the nail on the head.

Found it (edit: Maybe not)

It's 75 minutes, I'm not going to pour through it but if one of you guys want to go for it.

Im sure I can find it. Dont think this is it, then again didnt listen to all 75 mins. There were 2 eps, one with Patrice (when he was alive obviously) and 1 just with Von recently out promtoing some garbage. Think it was that "book" a few years ago and not the "documentary"

Ohhhh okay, I thought you meant they were on the same episode.

Either way, she seriously had all the good will in the world and completely wasted it being a stupid selfish cunt.

I found it, cant find a link tho because its in my iTunes podcast app.

The convo starts approx. 1:00:00 into the May 7, 2015 episode titled "Ep remembers Patrice Oneal" and I was partly mistaken. Wasnt a "relationship" she was a "side piece" and Rosenberg jokingly asked if it was Dane cook or Charlie Murphy before he hits the nail on the head and Von has to go "I didnt say that" after a loooonng pause.

that was clear at the time

Von is very sexy, you're all just nit-picking. Let's see some of the supermodels you lords of Reddit pull in every night

They were constantly describing her as "smoking hot" which is frankly absurd. she's decent and worth a fuck and obviously much more attractive than Patrice.

Different strokes, I suppose. The boys drooled over Megan Fox, and I think she's as boring looking as dishwater. I'm looking at a picture of Von right now, and I would describe it as a "smoking hot" picture

I'l never understand why so many comedians can't get attractive women. It's insane how so many comedians absolutely suck with getting hot girls.

Same reason that made them funny originally, low self esteem.

Bobby Lee is one, I think Joe Rogan's bitch is hot IIRC.

Bobby is extroverted as fuck, same with Joe Rogan.

Yeah Bobby Lee is a mystery to me I love the guy but don't know how he pulled that one off. Joe on the other hand has self-esteem hence why he's not funny

Bobby's girlfriend is a gold digging Filipino woman from tinder. It's not exactly a mystery why she's with him, she basically said as much when she told him she wouldn't be there if he didn't have money.

You took that out of context, she didn't say it like that.

I am frankly shocked that this subreddit has an issue with women.

Bobby Lee is an alpha male in his own way. He has some money and fame. His girl has very little control over him. Women love that shit.

What about Sam Roberts? He's not a comedian, he's not a confident alpha. WTF is going on with him?!

I'd say Sam is pretty confident, or at least if you consider cockiness to be the same thing as confidence.

I guess knowing all there is to know about the WWE really makes you confident around the laydees. Looking like a prehistoric caveman-clown also helps, i guess.

He's what I imagine the grinch looks like when it's not Christmas time

And yet Sirius lists that Nagel kid, not Sam, as the wrestling expert on their website

Rogans got that retard no self-awareness self-esteem. I would pick my acute sense of how shitty I am any day of the week.

And Bobby Lee is just an attention whore drug addict compensating for the total lack of love in his childhood.

Jerry Seinfeld dated and I think marred some fashion model about 20 years younger. I'm not sure she was even 21 when they first dated.

He dated like a 17 yr old.

He's what Ant could've been if he were more successful and didn't look like the crypt keeper.

Shoshana Lonstein, she of the ample jew-tits. I think they started dating when she 16-17, and Jerry was 38 or so.

She's still a cutie.

Aside from her, Jerry did very well with the ladies back in the day; Tawny Kittaen, various models, etc.

Then he decided to settle down with a yenta who was cute (((relatively speaking))), but wound up not aging very well.

What an absolute pimp.

He's my fucking hero for that one. If I have any money at all when I'm that age I will leave whoever I'm with and troll high school football games and ged classes.


Rogans wife is a dumpy beard that keeps quiet about his many "hunting" trips with assorted men and disgusting 3 am meals that wreck the kitchen.

Bobby Lee's girlfriend looks like a Filipino maid who had a make over

They have zero confidence or game. Most of them only get into stand up to get laid and it works. Then she meets the real person and they revert right back to life before they learned their get easy pussy trick


Jim Jefferies? He's the only one I can think of coming up with Patrice, though.

I'll give him 9-14., but my money's under the spread.

Owen Benjamin was married to Christina Ricci for a while.

I think part of their takeaway with Patrice was that his way of talking to women was a novelty to them, they considered him fearless and him talking shit to girls was funny to them. They could never imagine themselves either having that confidence, pretending to show little interest, or being dismissive to the lone thing in life they desire.

Patrice was a great liar, he was really good at alluring women by pretending he wasn't interested, engaging them in contact indirectly, and then luring them in by insulting them playfully. Imagine Norton trying to chat up a girl like Patrice would. Instead of riling up the girl with obscene comments, he would be deprecating himself, which women HATE to hear. Self-deprecating humor dries their pussies because they don't understand it.

They could never imagine themselves either having that confidence, pretending to show little interest, or being dismissive to the lone thing in life they desire.

i think that sentence applies more to the "men" who idolise him than anything else. I've also never understood why women can't be self deprecatingly funny but i have seen a woman who i knew was interested in me turn to disgust because i joked at my own expense. i think it's because when men get together we kind of disappear into a masculine common denominator whereas women don't but i know fuck all about women so theres that.

What's there to analyze?

She's a bigmouthed cunt who's domineering an angry, self-hating, white-trash ginger who's white guilt has reached such a point that he's conflated it with his libido and now fetishizes black women as proud ebony goddess.

take a breath mr. many-words

You know somewhere in the back of his thick skull he knows he could have done way better and it bugs him a bit.

Ol Billy Money Tits cashed in his chips early.


He knows black don't crack so he went for the long-term investment

That bitch is already broke fam

"Black don't crack" doesn't matter when it's shit to begin with

Black women are only good when you are the dominant one in the relationship, and you need to stay that way at all times. Most of Patrice's advice applies directly to black women, and Billy Boy's probably one of those nice white guys who wants to be equal. If you're with someone like Nia - who also fancies herself a feminist and Strong Independent Woman - you're going to end up her pet unless you're willing to slap her around. You don't need to do it, but you need to know you can pull that out if necessary.

Tell us more about how to deal with women, guy sitting at home on a subreddit revolving around a dead radio show

Don't project your dry dick onto the rest of us, drunks and heroin addicts know how to manipulate women.

and triangle dimes with the save


At least she used a good filter to blur out all those gross shaving bumps "they" get.

By "they" you mean men.


i have a feeling that the baby will come out black.

I'll send him a cigar when it comes out Chinese.


He thinks he loves her but she's just his way of assuaging his white guilt.

She seems more like a prop.

I was convinced he kept her around for comedic inspiration until the engagement/kid thing.

Uhg, what a soul sucking gummy mouthed cunt

nobody is falling for that pic... every trick and filter in the book

that ring probably cost more than the house I wish I owned someday... good for her


Can't wait until Paterson Nightly owns that ring. I'm sure he'll win a judgment based on the facts he's let out so far.

I get that sometimes you fall into a comfortable relationship with a girl who may not be a 10/10 but for fucks sake, Bill was a major player on Breaking Bad. If he wanted a black girlfriend he could get himself a cute 9/10 black chick with a pretty little face, or a black light-skin model. Or a tolerable young lady with a mocha complexion, Instead he goes with Sheryl Underwood.

I can definitely see how guys like Burr and Colin would be more attracted to being with a black woman. Black girls love irreverent white guys who aren't ignorant to black culture and who tell it like it is. For a white dude, getting a black girlfriend is like being approved and welcomed by an entire race of people, it's a kinda cool reassurance if you look at it that way. In a way, it feels like she worships you. It's hard to explain to guys who haven't dated interracial.

I've had white girlfriends who were exactly like Nia. They are leeches. They are stupid and entitled. They add themselves to everything, assuming you want them there. They feel a privilege to be included in anything you earned, in conversation they make assumptions in passing that only children would make. They say little things that you just know she should know better than to say. They have no self-awareness filter, meaning they make claims and statements not even understanding they have no right to even be in the conversation. They feel entitled to everything in your life, and if you question it they get pissy. They constantly do things incorrectly or wrong because they're incompetent and have no real world experience, but then when they apologize for it they absolve themselves of any responsibility. They apologize and say they didn't know better while saying "I know better." They apologize while trashing people who do what they just did. They admit they know something they did was incorrect before doing it, then they do it anyway, then they apologize saying they knew it was wrong and that's why they would never do it but she's sorry she did it once. They are not aware or alive.

Does she have a big butt?

Not as big as her mouth

Her social media shit is all private so I can't check

Download "Casper" for Android. It allows you to download snaps without anyone knowing. Best to use a burner account though. I got a 24 hour softban once.

He just seems like one of those guys, and I grew up with tons of "this dude," that is just terrified at the thought of being alone or not having a girlfriend. They'll settle for almost anything and put up with almost anything.

I've listened to his podcast for a long time, and she comes off as a huge pain in the ass, a very unlikeable alpha female and ignorantly opinionated woman. Im telling you, look around on any kind of social media: Twitter, Facebook, and the amazing "Youtube user comments;" you will not find a single more uneducated and woefully unintelligent ethnic group in America than "the black woman." There is no one dumber or more impossible to rationalize with.

she is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside

Bill, what did you do man? The irony of much of his comedy/conversations about women up (being self-righteous gold-digging whores etc) until he met her...and then her being the embodiment of exactly that, is incredible.

I get the impression she's aware of Billy's redpill/MRA/mgtow type following, and exaggerates her niggerish braggadocio for more of an effect

Black women deal mainly in spitework

Good theory but she's also a self proclaimed feminist.

She's an extreme nothing. I'm as glad, for her, that she found a cash cow as I am sad, for Bill, that he's fucked for life.

She's not as ugly and awful as the "UM RACIST AND SEXIST MUCH?" lady from MTV but she's probably 60%-80% as bad. Bill must really like the chocolate. Good for him, I guess, if he's happy. Hope it lasts Billy!

I don't find her attractive

You know what's weird about entitled cunts?

Shut up and I'll tell you.

They always get someone to buy into their sense of entitlement, and someone well above them.

The 3 most entitled c-words I know are all physically mediocre, maybe one is the slightest bit above average, yet they all landed dudes who could do much better.

A black Mona Lisa is too much of a compliment.

just noticed her instagram is private now... coincidence?

Is she going for the win them over with honey or vinegar approach?

Has Nia been BLACKED yet?

Bravo. We need more direct attacks, not just trash talking on reddit.

Lol black people are dementors of society now that i think about it

Yep, that definitely tha bitch that beat da fuck out Ant.

I know we hate her, but she looks hot in that pic.

But then again yesterday i searched xhamster for sue lightning vids to post here... so im a faggot

This thread gave me douche chills. Not literally.

Oh boy, this thread should be good...

5 hours and no N bombs. This sub might finally be growing up




I love nia. I'm happy her and Bill are happy!

We need to make Bill see what a bossy leach this broad is.

Lol, you think he doesn't already know? It's too late nigga, he came inside her and put a ring on it, it's fucking over mate

Check back on Bill when he looks like Louis CK in 5 years

she got to 6 feet and didn't stop

That bitch is already broke fam

Did you just say "WE need to make Bill see..."

You are nearing Paterson Nightly levels of delusion.

"Black don't crack" doesn't matter when it's shit to begin with

Good theory but she's also a self proclaimed feminist.

Black women are only good when you are the dominant one in the relationship, and you need to stay that way at all times. Most of Patrice's advice applies directly to black women, and Billy Boy's probably one of those nice white guys who wants to be equal. If you're with someone like Nia - who also fancies herself a feminist and Strong Independent Woman - you're going to end up her pet unless you're willing to slap her around. You don't need to do it, but you need to know you can pull that out if necessary.