Serious question for people that have been around this sub.

2  2016-12-28 by steamer100

As a newer member to the O&A sub is there any threads from years ago worth my time to go back and read?


Why the fuck would anyone new be here? We are all grandfathered into this horrible shit

Gooble gobble.

One of us. One of us.

the one where antwan kumiya is identified as the paris /Nice attacker

Trannygate is up there. He came on here to deflect as if this place collectively inhaled over our cigarette and said "JEsus Chrrrist... pissy eyed tranny fucker"... but we don't judge

Just go to the top tab and go to all time

I did that, I was just wondering if there was some hidden gem that I missed.


The Anthony Vine Deletion threads are pretty good.

Just check my post history, junior. I'm known as the funny one around here, rookie.

There's one on every job site, I tell ya.

The Hindsight Reports summarizing months of old OA shock jock audio. It's fantastic.
