When We Rise - First Look Thoughts?

7  2016-12-27 by theee_tOECUTTEr


This trailer gave me AIDs and now I'm their target demo. Quite a brilliant marketing plan.

A black guy and a tranny getting along. I just can't suspend disbelief for this.

Progressives live in a fucking fantasy world of strawmen (strawpersons sorry!) and boarderline personality disorder style emotions.

Are you trying to say that non-whites aren't as equally persecuted and understanding as non-straights? Blasphemy.

Blacks are the same as trannies shitlord. That's how it is, that's how it will always be!

cops beating up hipsters, looks pretty good

Good God. I'm a Socialist; farther to the left than anyone here, probably . . . and that looks like the worst, most embarrassingly simplistic piece of shit one could ever witness.

you can tell it was written by white-guilt straight men, thinking this is how gays/trans/blacks/etc think and act

It's actually written by a gay faggot.

Think about the movie "crash"

I'm just glad a show has the courage to finally stand up to all those bigots out there. Because it's the early eighties apparently.

the struggle of niggas and faggots, some niggas AND faggots

Obvious attempt at social-engineering aside, this could be one of the most poorly scripted/acted TV shows I've ever seen

I think the gays are really going to catch on soon.

YeH catch AIDS or sumthin

This is a spoof, right? Like Police Squad and Scary Movie, yes? a bit from SNL or Key & Peele?

It all just seems so ham-handed, poorly acted, and stereotypical.

I'd rather die of colon cancer no thanks

Can't wait to see what Jimmy does with his hands.

Michael Kenneth Williams


I like the part when they kicked the faggot in the alley

blacks love gays and always have, get over it.



I hate queers

Stunning and brave.

Homosexuality is a mental illness. I'm not gay though because fucking traps isn't gay.

Are you trying to say that non-whites aren't as equally persecuted and understanding as non-straights? Blasphemy.

Blacks are the same as trannies shitlord. That's how it is, that's how it will always be!