The other day I kept saying "Anthony Cumia" to my bank's automated phone system to get to a real human. My wife (as chippah) was saying "FAWK YEAH" from the couch as this was going on.

0  2016-12-27 by [deleted]



Send us a picture of her asshole.

he can't, hes too busy posting to reddit to take a selfie

such yumahhh

I wasn't fucking kidding.

I just realized we all need to be killed

this subs post history will be used as a reverse-Schindler list one day

I can't think of anything less attractive than a bitch doin Chip

Anyone but Jim

wow SO outrageous

look buddy I don't mean to be crass but I hope your wife gets raped by a pack of niggers and gives you their aids.

Pics of you prepping the bull for your wife or your little bank story didn't happen.

oh you are just a couple of scallywags aren't you



Braggin you got a wife, huh buddy!

Same sex marriage is legal now.

Stop being a coy asshole, and show us a pic of your wife. NOW.

Keep living the dream you queer
