How did these sand niggers ever pass themselves off as white?

44  2016-12-26 by BecauseWeHaveNukes88


Was the precum in the original picture or was it individually placed?

He just got his allowance and couldn't hide his excitement.

I love your work. No Homo

Dawn is one of those women who you know can suck a mean dick just by looking at her.

She isn't the only one in the pic

Yeah but she can't help but make it really toothy.

Are Armenian gypsies considered white? And of course Joe is wearing that hoodie. SANDCRO.

Add -Magnon to that statement

Just think of money Anthony paid to have hair like that.

I came here to say exactly this, he payed for dry pubes on his head.

I'd skull-fuck dawn

Doesn't she have a juicy rump?

I saw this picture and immediately went to youjizz to look for Czech group porn.


I'd skull-fuck dawn


Where we at with Syrian refugees?

Fez let her slip away

Fezzy and DD Rox 4ever


how fucking annoying is Joe, wearing a fucking hoodie (a samcro hoodie, no less) to a family get together. also, why is Dawn wearing a whore top? cover your fucking shoulders.

The pinnacle of white trash. Okay non white trash.

With a superman t-shirt under it (with the sleeves cut off I'm sure)

How long has that show been off the air and this faggot cos player is wearing his make believe hoodie.

Drinking Sanka and eating Entenmanns coffee cakes.

Tranth is all gussied up, wearing the open long sleeve button down from Target instead of the short-sleeve.

The bald fag and long island medium are visiting kooky old grandpa for Christmas. That's sweet.

im sure they are only there for handouts.

I think because white people loved The Godfather and The Sopranos so much we just inadvertently gave Italians a pass.

Northern Italians are practically swiss. Sicilians and Italians hate each other.

Troof. Genetically, I'm no different than someone from France or Switzerland or even Southern Germany.

Sicilians, Calabrians, Apulians and Neapolitans are some weird Greek-Armenian-Arab-Tunisian hybrid, and genetic testing has shown that time and time again.

Months of genealogical research on the Cumia "family" led me to several shocking discoveries, principal among them that from 1960 to 1963, Anthony's mother worked at a bar called "Mo's". What few realized was that the bar was named for its owner, Algeria-born hardline Yazidi cleric Mohammed Abdul Nasir Alaweed al-Saad, who owned the bar with his brother, Yussef Hassan Bashir al-Saad.

Long Island cocktail waitresses were prized at the time for their beauty and sexual permissiveness, and the unwed young mother of one Joseph would have been desperate for such a high-earning job, facing fierce competition. Birth control was not yet readily available to young American women, so for an unemployed 20-something with no financial support network, facing an unplanned pregnancy could be devastating, both financially and socially. A cursory search of public records of the time shows that, to qualify for public financial assistance, Joseph's young mother was required to submit job applications to local businesses weekly. Applications for McDonald's, Sears-Roebuck and local restaurant "the Silver Diner" were in her file, but the continued submission of applications suggests the difficulty faced by a recently pregnant, single mother with one child out of wedlock and no means of securing outside childcare, in a job search in 1960.

The last application in her file is for "Mo's", the bar owned by Algerian cleric-cum-entrepreneur, Mohammed al-Saad, for the position of "cocktail waitress/bartender/other". It was not uncommon for women at the time to face pervasive sexual harassment in the workplace, and a young, unwed Italian mother would certainly face such abuse, lacking the resources to secure legal representation or the education to even know that what she was being forced to do, likely over and over and over again, was against the law.

The application to Mo's was dated August 2nd, 1960. A young Anthony "Cumia" was born April 26, 1961, 8 months and 25 days later. Without birth control available, it is not outlandish to consider that young Anthony may have been conceived in the restroom or cramped back office of Mohammed's bar and grill restaurant establishment, during a thorough "job interview" of the sort which would be typical for cash-strapped young women of the era.

Few photos survive of Mohammed al-Saad; he would be deported to Algeria just 2 years after hiring the young mother, facing charges of statutory rape, rape of a minor, witness tampering, jury tampering, and terroristic threats (though it should be noted the age of consent in New York at the time was 15, making his victim 14 or younger). His mugshot from these charges is the only known extant picture of the man who likely sired Anthony Cumia, cucking the man who would raise young Ant and Joseph.

This discovery explains a lot: Anthony may very well be genetically predisposed to his pedophilic tendencies. Further, an affinity for cuckoldry may be, if not in his blood, then perhaps just deeply rooted in his psyche, as the young Cumia would surely realize how few genetic traits he shared with his small-penised, testosterone-dripping, besotted perpetually unemployed "father", who took the humiliation of raising another man's children with the grace and humility of a habitual drunkard. That's to say nothing of his olive or brownish complexion, affinity for firearms, violence towards women and terroristic inclinations that have long been understood as integral to the genetic makeup of the Arab, especially when mixed with the African, as was common among the colonial Algerians.

The last piece of the puzzle, my niggers.

Holy shit, There's nothing scarier than a coked out autistic with access to Wikipedia.

I did not read that, but I assume you meant it, friend.

Patrice always said that Anthony would never be accepted by "real" white people.

Anthony's hair hat is on crooked or backwards. Dawn could eat corn through chicken wire. And Joe had to run to take out Anthony's garbage so he can get his allowance for the month.


Their whole family just got genetically and cosmically fucked in the hair department. Poor bastards.

They don't even really look Italian.

As much as I hate Joe, I have to admit he can pull off the bald look very well. He's got the advantage on Anthony in that sense, who is desperately holding onto that whispy mop for as long as he can.

You know you've got a goddamn ugly family when Joe is the least ugly member.

Dawns not bad lookin for an older broad. I'd bed her..... maybe even sober.

You can tell Joe still gets an allowance by looking at him.


So Sam?


Ant looks like such a little boy(who's actually an old man)....ole pissy eyed Ant who liked to play with his microscope and rocket sets. Is it any wonder he only feels like he can be the dominant one with girls half his age?


Ant doesn't date 35 year olds.

the fuck you talking about he looks like an old man with alzheimer

I hate Joe's middle aged tough-guy persona.

Antwan Kumya needs to be questioned

I'd fuck Ant's sister disrespectfully.

Dawn's aging like a fine wine.

Anybody got images from her 20s?

why is that nice lady standing next to a cue ball and a brillow pad?

How is Samcro the most fuckable one in that picture?

Two wife beaters and a co-dependent. Awesome job parents.

Can someone please swap the hair from anthony to bro Joe? Thx.

Does Ants brother always have a SOA sweater/shirt on?

When did Brother Joe turn into Jesse?

Joe is morphing into Fred from Brooklyn or vice versa

Both are hams

Photo cropped to hide the beer or whiskey in Anthony's hand.

Thats RHU?? ugh YUCK

All I see are Mussolini communist low lives

Mussolini wasn't a communist. But I like where you're coming from.

Look at ants dentures hahaha he's aged 40 years in the last 5


Peace be upon them.

those noses are from alcoholism, not being from the middle east.

Joe looking like Scott The Engineer

Just shave it already

Holy shit, There's nothing scarier than a coked out autistic with access to Wikipedia.

I did not read that, but I assume you meant it, friend.