Tom Jones and the rapey 'baby it's cold outside'

0  2016-12-26 by swankyturd


Very few of you faggots will understand this, but I hope that croaky-voiced Jack bitch falls into a furnace in Port Talbot. You should still be busking outside C&A.

Tom Jones was once a guest on O&A and of course Any was fascinated with Tom's dating history and the age of his girlfriends. Not a bad interview.

More recently he was in with Opie&Jim. Fucking Opie brought up the fact that back in the 60s and 70s people that had only heard Tom on the radio sometimes thought he was black. Then either Jim or Opie asked if he ever considered a DNA test. I was appalled. Tom was good natured about it and said he would consider it. He's probably thinking what a couple of shit heads.

I think we found Sam Roberts biological father.