Bill Burr's delusional stakler, wishing you all a happy holiday. Its a Christmas Miracle!

7  2016-12-25 by beier5


Added bonus: he says his show is all about "doing what needs to be done", confirming his plans to break into Bills house to kill him and wear his skin.

I'm gonna go with kill Nia, cut her open and eat fetus.

Jeez guy

I believe him.

Honestly until bill pays him back... Kinda on his side.

Ok, come on... which one of you is this guy?


Also, we know youre watching this thread you freak, keep up the good work.

Jesus christ.

/u/patersonnightly I hope you die broke and alone

Good to see he shaved his head like the old Bill Burr YouTube clip he just caught up to.

fuck this coat tailing creep

I'm a stickler for staklers
