Merry Christmas Cumia Brothers!

10  2016-12-25 by Wolosocu

Do you think Joe goes out of his way to impress Anthony with an expensive Christmas gift? Of course Joe is too stupid to realize that when he buys Anthony an expensive gift with Anthony's own money, the only thing Anthony is thinking is "great, now he's gonna have to 'borrow' a little extra something to make it through next month".

What a fucking moron.


I gotta watch my stepfather open the gift I got him with us both knowing he's lending me some money next month for a security deposit on an apartment

This hits too close to home. *Sniff

Merry Christmas.

With "Merry Christmas"s like yours, who needs AIDS?

Thanks, Captain Bringdown.

Anthony gave Joe a bucket of child spit for Christmas. And Joe gave Anthony a child.


I wonder if the brothers will each beat their own woman today or share one. Moms gotta be proud of her partner beating sons. Merry Hanukkah


Thats why I dont buy my parents gifts. Its just a sweatshirt that couldve been 20 dollars towards tuition

There's only one "gift" Tranpa would want from Joe, and it's the one thing Joe will never give him; to get off Ghoulie's tit, and release him from that retarded "white"-trash loser "pact" they made as kids.