Merry Christmas from Ireland. There's one thing the Irish, Colin Quinn and the yanks can agree on

14  2016-12-25 by swankyturd

Fuck the Brits


Aren't the Irish pretty much white niggers? Oh and very merry, and the like.

awww that's sweet

It was an honest question really.


We were the cut price slaves, picked the wrong crops but at least we we're a good laugh. Merry Xmas to you and yours

They are known as the niggers of Europe (100% true).

No wonder it feels like home

I thought that were the pollocks. Or are they the Mexicans of Europe? My racism has suffered greatly this winter.

They are the Mexicans

you're thinking of italians


As an Irish man that is true but we're cool niggers

I don't doubt it.

how many neighbors have you boxed in your backyard?

eveysingle goddam n heure! i'll fight you too ya cunt

The sad thing is you Irish hate us Brits ( apart from the ones who want to be British but really are not) whilst we don't really ever think about you lot.

Name one Irish invention that never ended in punching yourself in the face.


A game invented in either India or Persia.

"Please clap" - Jeb Bush

Its a shame the RNC didnt rig their shit too to make it the too least exciting people to run against eachother in presidency

Where in Ireland are you from or where are you visiting. Stayed in Shannon a couple of years ago. Loved it and the people, tremendously friendly. Next time I go I want to see Dublin.

Don't go there for gods sake, that's full of the conor MacGregor 'successful' types. I'm from the north eg. 'The occupied 6 counties' 'I.e. northern 'liam neeson' Ireland.' We do good steak up here and love you yanks telling us your anecdotes about that time you and pdiddy partied! Visit the mourne mountains, a genuinely beautiful part of the world


Genuinely? what part? Andytown?


No mate, lower mournes, a homeboy of mine has recently married girl from there. I'm still south down through and through

South Belfast here, whoop whoop.

Fuck the Queen, up the ra etc

"We killed one, we killed two We killed fourteen more than you! With a nick nack paddy wack give the dog a bone Paras 14, Provos none"

And so on. Though personally I don't care what colour you paint yer kerbstones. Happy Christmas.

Don't call yourself Irish you West Brit

Now, this is what I love about the British (Geographically, not politically before someone starts whining) Isles. No matter how much we jocks, taffs and paddies claim to hate the English, we will always hate those bastards in the next village even more.

In that case you should thank the British every day that you don't have horse shit all up and down the stairs of your council block.

Never been to Shannon though, how was it? Its quite isolated, that's where Obama went a few years before he came here and got fucked up

I stayed in Shannon Doherty with my pecka a few years ago.

Potato niggers.



Is that documentary about the bare knuckle boxing gypsies the truth or you just fucking with us yanks?

We'll bare knuckle you in your christmas cunting anus which has runny shit dripping down my knuckles

Merry Christmas ya filthy potato eater.

Thanks for Brendan Gleeson.


Are you one of the friends Colum Quinn is always referencing?

That's for you to find out and for me to keep referencing the departed whilst eating potatoes...cunt

So can I assume you won't be watching the queen's speech this afternoon?


All you drunk micks need to go get your white chip and make something of yourselves.

Caravan fo me ma


Check out the aspergers on this one.

I know right? I appreciate the effort that went into that rant. What a useless yank. Nothing has changed this year, except the fact that the king O'Bama yelled fuck you Isereal and your settlements

Don't go there for gods sake, that's full of the conor MacGregor 'successful' types. I'm from the north eg. 'The occupied 6 counties' 'I.e. northern 'liam neeson' Ireland.' We do good steak up here and love you yanks telling us your anecdotes about that time you and pdiddy partied! Visit the mourne mountains, a genuinely beautiful part of the world

Never been to Shannon though, how was it? Its quite isolated, that's where Obama went a few years before he came here and got fucked up


I stayed in Shannon Doherty with my pecka a few years ago.