Real Ass Podcast (Luis J Gomez's pod) w/ Nick Mullen [full episode]

14  2016-12-23 by TheScarletR


I've been binging Cumtown since I started -- definitely the funniest rn between LoS/JaS/Bill Burr/Bonfire, imo.

But what about Guys We Fucked?

That fat faggot that laughs obnoxiously at everything and has nothing to contribute really rounds out the show. The sleepy stoner that doesn't even have the confidence to breathe, nevermind make a joke, is icing on the cake. Podcast of the year.

I like Mullen. He just needs to attach himself to people who aren't wastes of space.

Lmao perfect summation of Adam

The laugh track thing is very polarizing. I happen to like it, because it gives me some idea of what laughing with a group of friends would be like.

I thought you were taking about los

I hated Stav's laugh at first but it's grown on me. I enjoy the chunky fuck now.

Binging as in the search engine?

If you count JAM as one of the funniest show right now you have terrible taste

I don't. Its just the funniest out of the ones I mentioned I listen to.


that's really not nice


I am about 30 minutes in, and it's not very good. They don't have good chemistry. They have very different senses of humor, which makes it awkward and not very funny.

Yeah I agree, I didnt listen before I posted it here

I'll add that Zac and Nick seem to have some chemistry.

Because those two have actual talent and LJG is the Opie of LoS.

doing the lord's work <3

there's a hiccup ever 10 seconds or so, makes watching difficult.

It's not even a little bit funny.

You people are literally retarded.


I feel like Nick is bordering on SJW territory after the Trump win. He's been really funny in the past but the past few things I've watched him on were uncomfortable.

Yeah I got that vibe a little bit from this podcast with Luis. Luis prefaced that "girl getting punched" video with "I know you shouldnt punch women, but..." and Nick mocked it with "I'm not racist, but.."

He's so racist when he's being ironic maybe he overcompensates when he isn't

Ann Coulter tweeted a few things he took to mean as her defending Nazis and he tweeted this and quit Twitter for a while:

Maybe that just struck me as something gay for a comedian to do.

I don't think he was being serious..

He was. He talked about it in podcasts after and he left Twitter for several weeks